Sunday 25 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout – Experiment #3

This experiment was an easy one for me so I expected positive results.

This time we were to observe how our thoughts, both positive and negative, influenced the energy around us.

We were to use dowsing rods and Pam told us how to make some using drinking straws and wire coat hangers.  Very simple and relatively no cost.  But I already had a pair of rods made from bamboo and copper so I was ready to start.  We were to spend time thinking negative and positive thoughts and notice which way the rods moved.  The rods should move inwards with negative thoughts and outwards as they tracked the energy of positive thoughts.

So I sat with my rods pointing straight ahead and tried thinking negative thoughts.  It didn’t come as easy as I thought it would but I ended up thinking of a person who aggravated me the most.  Slowly the rods started to turn inwards.  My thoughts turned more positive and I started to think about the next Reiki Share Group – the rods turned outwards immediately.

It was working, but I needed to do it again with different thoughts.  For the negative I started to dwell on all the current troubles in Egypt and those who had lost their lives and I could feel my anger start to build.  So could the rods - they moved inwards.  I changed my thoughts and started to concentrate on building and projecting positive energy – the rods moved outwards as if they were tracking my flowing energy.

Fabulous, it was all working exactly as I thought it would.  One final test - I asked my friend to do it and, as she has a science background, I knew this would be the most accurate I could achieve.  Sure enough, rods swung inwards with negative thoughts and outwards with her positive thoughts. 

So success in experiment number three.  This was going really well but I still had six more experiments to go!

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