Friday 18 September 2015

Our Angels Excel

Last week I took a week's holiday to the beautiful island of Madeira. We wanted to chill and relax in some warm sunshine before the winter set in, but there was so much to do that we ended up doing more than we would if we had stayed at home!

One of our trips was a morning at sea on a catamaran to see if we could spot some whales or dolphins. It was a beautiful warm morning, the sun was shining a little and the boat wasn't over-crowded. As I sat soaking up the sunshine and enjoying being on the ocean, I asked the Angels to show me something beautiful - whales would be perfect.

Oh they did not let me down at all.

First came Pilot Whales - a pod of about 10-15. Portuguese law meant that we couldn't get too close and couldn't stay to long, which is how it should be. But we were close enough and could even hear them blowing! Magical as I had never seen whales in their own natural habitat before.

Then came the dolphins and another good sized pod, but they really didn't want to play and kept their distance. Nevertheless, an amazing encounter.

Making our way back to the marina flying fish made an appearance. Fantastic sight but far to quick for me to get a photo.

How blessed I felt that day - I asked the Angels for something beautiful and I got three amazing sightings.

Thank you Angels.

Sunday 16 August 2015

No Such Thing as Coincidence

I don't believe in coincidence; I think Spirit and the Universe conspire to bring the right people to the right place at the right time!  That certainly happened to me on Saturday morning.

I had popped into town to see Jackie on her crystal stall at our local market. When I got there I was delighted to meet up with a few of our mutual friends.  We stood chatting and rummaging through the crystals - a lovely way to spend a morning.

And then Annie came along! I had never met Annie, but it turned out that she had already booked onto one of our courses at Como. We stood chatting for a while and then she told me that she was very much into drumming and was looking for somewhere close-by to start a Drumming Circle. She had people waiting to join her but the location had to be right. She also knew someone who was very keen to run a Workshop on Drum-Making.  Wow - how opportune was this meeting?

Then Annie told me she did Spiritual Drawing!!

Jaw dropping moment and, yes, of course she's coming into the Centre the next week to chat over opportunities!

And that, my friends, is serendipity.

Monday 3 August 2015

Aha Moments

I love it when you get one of those "a-ha" moments, don't you? It happened to me on Sunday morning.

The previous evening we hosted a BBQ for our Como Breast Cancer Support Group.  It was a lovely evening, everyone was in fine spirits and the food, wine, conversation and company couldn't be better.  I felt total unconditional love that evening for all the people mingling in my garden.

That lovely glow was still with me the following day and the small on my face was becoming a permanent feature.  So while I was musing over a cup of coffee on how I could improve our Support Group and attract more members (I was in my "I want to save the world" mode) the realisation suddenly hit me.

I don't have to change a thing!

What we have is a small group of ladies who meet once a week.  We share a cup of coffee and we chat - about anything and everything.  Yes, of course we discuss breast cancer and we offer advice, based on personal experience, to those going through treatment.  We hug those who are finding the journey tough, we wipe their tears and allow them to vent their anger.  We laugh at some of the funnier incidents.  We celebrate when a treatment regime has finally come to an end.  We hold the space for everyone to be what they want to be. It's that simple.

So why am I trying to change all that?  It's not that I'm trying to change the Group in a big way, I love what we have and every lady is precious. I have made some wonderful new friends that I will always be grateful for. It's just that I have an innate sense of wanting to save everyone and I want them to benefit from the Group we have. But I realised that I can't do that, I can only make to Group available to those who seek it -  I can't force it on anyone.

So I will allow the Support Group to be what it is, to evolve and grow naturally without trying so hard and then beating myself up because it hasn't worked out the way I had planned.  It is what it is, everything happens at exactly the right time and in the right way.  It really is that simple.

Oh I have a lot to learn.

Sunday 19 July 2015

More of the Angelic Stuff

Last weekend I completed my Angelic Reiki Master Teacher course with Neil & Zena of Crystal Heaven, and if I thought Level I & II was powerful, then this just about blew my socks off!

No, I'm not going to bore you with all the details, but during the weekend I received some healing from Neil who told me that Saint Germain had popped in to tell me that it was time I started writing again.

Now I don't for one minute think that I'm going to start channelling St Germain and giving you messages straight from him.  Oh no, it's still going to be just me and my own thoughts and feelings on a whole range of stuff.  But clearly he thinks I've got, and will have, things to say that should be shared. So today I decided to revisit my blog - it's been a long while! Surprisingly I've written nothing since my first Angelic Reiki course, way back in February!

So here I am - day one of another new beginning.  I love new beginnings don't you? So full of promise of good things to come - but that's for another time.

So why haven't I told you all about Angelic Reiki? That's for the future as we're beginning to plan our very first Practitioner's Course at our Como Centre.

Friday 23 January 2015

Angelic Reiki

Last weekend I did first and second degree Angelic Reiki training with the lovely Zena and Neil of Crystal Heaven. The whole weekend was simply amazing and I was delighted to receive my Certificate on the Sunday evening.

Although I'm not going into detail about the weekend, I do want to share just a couple of things with you and the joy of working with Angels.

During our second attunement I suddenly felt a cool breeze across my face and around the back of my head. "Blimey," I thought, "this is strong stuff!" Logic kicked in - I thought someone had opened a window or even put the air con on, but our floorboards are so creaky that I would have heard someone move. The breeze continued throughout the attunement and when it was finished I immediately looked at Gill (my business partner at Como) - she had felt it too.  The windows were all closed but the air conditioning had been switched on! No one had touched it.  And then it went off! The aircon had never switched itself on or off before, it is not automatic, it is the middle of winter and freezing, the aircon is off! Mmmmm, are the Angels playing with us?

Around 10-15 minutes later and an almighty bang almost shook the building towards our back window. Gill and I immediately got up to check what had happened and as we approached around a dozen white feathers floated down past our window! Once again logic tried to kick in; had a bird flown into the window? Impossible because we are on the top floor, the roof overhangs the window and the feathers had floated from way above the roof. We even went downstairs to check for injured birds - nothing. It had to be the Angels.

You see, you just have to be ready and open to see the signs that they give.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Highs & Lows

This time of year always brings about time for both reflection and anticipation and I spent most of yesterday reflecting over 2014 and everything it brought for me - the lows as well as the highs. I have learnt over the past year that you have to have some low points in order to learn and grow; to bring balance. I'm not always sure what my lesson is, but I trust that it is needed. I have also learnt to really enjoy the highs, to be grateful and to let it move on when the time is right.

One of the highs for me in 2014 was to have my son home for Christmas. He arrived on his birthday - 24 November - and left again on Boxing Day. I had a whole month with him and I enjoyed every single moment of it. Yes, I was sad when he left, but I knew it was time for him to move forward in his journey. We talked a great deal while he was home and I am so proud of the man he has become. We now travel the same pathway, albeit at different rates.

The greatest honour for me during his stay was to take him through Reiki Level 1. I cannot begin to describe how blessed I felt - not only did he want to embrace Reiki but he wanted me to be his Reiki Master!

Was this my highlight in 2014? It was one of many.