Tuesday 10 April 2012

My First Reiki Teaching

There’s a first time for everything and none more exciting, while also a little intimidating, than teaching and attuning your first Reiki student.  Today was my first time!

Gill had asked me to attune her to Reiki Level III and I agreed.  Now I can hear some Reiki Masters drawing their breath through pursed lips at my going straight into teaching Level 3, rather than starting at the beginning.  So, in my defence, I will say that Gill is a really good friend of mine and I knew that she was more than ready for this attunement.  She is passionate about her Reiki work and takes the responsibility of becoming a Reiki Master seriously.  I asked my guides if it was the right thing to do and they gave their blessing.  I followed my own intuition and everything was sitting well with me.

The date had been in my diary for two to three weeks and I had prepared as well as I knew how.  The manuals were written and I had rehearsed giving an attunement many times.  I started talking to my guides about the day and asked for their help for my personal preparation.  The night before was a sleepless one for me and I was glad when it was time to get up!  In the shower I was nattering away to my “people”, asking for help, asking them to make it alright and asking them to make it good for Gill.  Ask, ask, ask, ask, ask – they must really be getting fed up with me.  Out of the shower and I turned the radio on and what was the first song I heard?  George Michael singing “you’ve gotta have faith”!  A huge smile broke out, yes, they were doing this with me.

Gill and I started and it just flowed – we didn’t always keep to the programme, but it didn’t matter.  This was Gill’s training, Gill’s attunement, and it would be right for her.  We did a meditation, fantastic.  Then it was time for the attunement and, I have to be totally honest here, there was a moment when I couldn’t think and I did panic a bit.  Then I relaxed and said “help”.  They took over and guided me through the rest of it.  The attunement done and I couldn’t get a word out of Gill.  She finally said “wow” a couple of times and eventually she was able to tell me of her experience.  I can’t share that with you because it was Gill’s experience, her story to tell if she chooses, but suffice it to say I think she had an amazing attunement.

Personally, I thought I could have done better and I am almost certain that I missed something out.  But I was told that I did ok, and that the intent was the crucial thing and I had set my intent at the beginning.

After lunch we got down to some practical work.  Gill gave me a Reiki session using her new Master symbol.  Wow, another truly amazing experience.  Again, I can only talk for my experience, but it was the first time that I felt the energy work its way through my body.  I was aware of each spinning chakra and also saw each colour.   The feeling of unconditional love was overwhelming and, yes, the tears were flowing.

So my first teaching experience was absolutely amazing.  It felt so right and I know that this is what I want to do.  This is the beginning of the next phase of my journey and it’s so exciting.

Finally, I thank Gill for being my first student, but someone had to be first!!  I know that we are destined to work together and I so look forward to our journey.


  1. Hi Elaine,

    Me again! Sorry - I'm working my way through your entire blog :-D

    I totally understand your experiences with your first attunement. I remember doing mine and I was terrified I'd cock something up! I wasn't as brave as you doing going straight into a Reiki III so well done for taking that step and getting through it so well!

    The first time I did an attunement I had to start it 5 times because I kept forgetting something halfway through! It wasn't until I centred and spoke to "them upstairs" that they laughed and said "you're not doing the attunement, WE ARE, so just relax and let us guide you to channel it through". Doh! This made so much sense for me, so when I started it the 5th time.. it went so smoothly I couldn't believe it! And, in the immortal words of Yoda "that... is why you fail". Don't you just hate it when science fiction characters are so spot on?!

    For me, I believe that Reiki is an organic energy and how we each work with it is slightly different. In the same way that two carpenters make make a chair - they both do it slightly different, but you still end up with a beautiful chair. Not one of my attunements that I've given has been the same as another. Yes there are similarities, and of course I do my best to make sure I cover everything I wanted to cover BUT sometimes the order changes, or I spend more time on one thing and less on another. It all depends upon the needs of those I'm attuning.

    When it comes to Reiki III, this is my favourite because I get the person to attune me to each of the three levels. I get them to practice them again and again until they're comfortable with the process. The reason I do this is because I dont' want them leaving their course like I did so many years ago which was terrified and had no idea what the hell I was doing! I also feel totally honoured to be their first attunee (as it were).

    Finally I say trust yourself and trust that whatever needs to be covered will be covered. If you realise towards the end (or after) that you forgot something quite important (which I doubt you would but hey, these things happen) you can always arrange another time to follow it up.

    Oh - one other thing - sorry I'm hogging the blogging! - something else about using the symbols that I was told by them upstairs was this: if you do your absolute very best to get the symbols right, and you've practiced them well so are using them with integrity, if you make any slight mistakes THEY will correct them for you. BUT if you do a "that'll do" approach then they won't. So trust in yourself and follow your truth and integrity and everything will be totally brilliant. For your clients AND for you.

    Right - I'll shut up now!
    Alun :-)

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