Saturday 28 April 2012

What a Difference a Month Makes

With the first Reiki Share under my belt, and such a successful one at that, it was time to think of the second.  I had always assumed that, once started, the Shares would just continue every month with maybe the odd new student.  They would be good, and we could learn and try different ways of working, but essentially there would just be our monthly Share.  How wrong was I!

At the first Share, a month ago, there was just four of us.  We worked really well together and the energy was amazing.  We all agreed that what we had was special and that there was so much potential within the group.  We spent as much time talking about spiritual development as we did sharing Reiki.  I think we each realised that night that there was much more to do than share with each other, although I have to say the Reiki was pretty phenomenal.  All four of us were, or nearly, Reiki Masters and as such wanted to explore and develop our spiritual awareness.  And so that first night saw the conception of our “Spiritual Development Group”. 

Last night the four of us met again and that group was born.  We spent our time discussing and forming a structure by which to go forward.  We agreed that an hour was nowhere near long enough and so we decided to meet on a separate evening and we would keep the Shares separate.  Once a month, on a Wednesday evening, we will be exploring and discovering our spiritual side and working with our guides to tap into the potential that is within each of  us.  How exciting is that?

But we all agreed that the Reiki Shares should continue, and grow, as we recognised this was a vital part of our development too.  We have now opened this to anyone trained in Reiki and will meet once a month, on a Friday evening, to share Reiki.

Because the Share Group is growing, we had to change location and this, I must admit, was giving me some concern over the past couple of weeks.  We booked the local village hall which had all the facilities we needed plus a large car park.  But I was concerned that it might be too big and that the energy would not be right.  I needn’t have worried because after the space had been cleared the energy began to build nicely and by the time we started the atmosphere was good.  Last night we welcomed two new ladies.  After a cup of tea and a getting-to-know-you session we had a 10-minute meditation and then moved to the bed for some Reiki.  What a  fantastic session we had!  We all worked well together, tried some different ways of working and of course we each received some fabulous Reiki energy.  A brilliant share. 

I hope these will continue to grow and that all who join will experience the fantastic Reiki energy that we did last night.

So, in a month we have formed a good, and growing, Reiki Share Group and we also have an exciting Spiritual Development Group.    

And if all of that was not enough for one month, my very good friend Gill Moss and I have been discussing some ideas we have for a very exciting joint venture - but more about that next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine,

    This is very helpful for me as a step I Am ready to take. I will contact my Master and see if there is shared energy here and we could get a Reiki Circle meeting regularly.


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