Wednesday 18 April 2012

Just a Dream?

I’ve never really paid too much attention to dreams, some are nice and some not so nice but I’ve never thought too deeply about their meaning.  I know that sometimes our guides and angels work with us in dream state and I’m now wondering if that’s what happened to me last night.

The dream was this:

I’d nipped down to my local Sainsbury to get a few bits and pieces but when I came out I couldn’t remember where I’d parked my car.  The car park was half empty but I still couldn’t see it.  I used the remote to unlock the doors thinking that I would see the lights and hear it click open.  I heard the click and saw the lights flicker out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned towards it I still couldn’t see the car.  I repeated it a couple of times, heard the click and saw the lights at the periphery of my vision but as I turned towards it, still no car.  I walked back towards the shop and then I found myself on a building site.  I knew I couldn’t ask the builders about me car as they would laugh and say “silly bloody woman”.  As I walked along the building site changed into a beautiful little alleyway, the type you see lovely Mediterranean  villages.  It could have been Greek, Italian or even Spanish, I just don’t know.  I then found myself in the home of a middle-aged couple who smiled in welcome but could speak no English.  I tried to apologise for suddenly appearing in their home but I don’t think they understood, they just kept smiling and welcoming me.  I tried to find my way back out of the room, the man opened a door and pointed upwards.  There was the biggest step I’d ever seen, it reached up to my waist and I knew I would not be able to get out that way.  The man went to another door and, although I couldn’t understand what he was saying to the woman, I knew he went to get me a ladder to climb up on.  The lady told him not to, that I had to get out by myself.  I looked back inside the doorway and at shoulder level I saw two rope handles, one each side of the door.  I grabbed hold of the handles and eventually managed to pull myself up onto the step.  Once there I could see the way out but it was through a short narrow tunnel; there was bright light at the end.  I pushed and shoved and squeezed myself through and as I did so I somehow managed to turn to the woman and said “it’s a bit like giving birth”.  Then I woke up.

So it’s all a bit surreal and jumbled as only dreams can be.  But thinking about it this morning I think I begin to get its meaning.  The losing the car is unlike me as I usually remember roughly where I’ve parked it but I assimilate this to having started to develop spiritually and then stopping – I had something and then I lost it.  Using the remote and seeing the lights is rather like the feeling I sometimes have that I know something amazing, a bit like a eureka moment, but then it slips through my fingers and I’ve lost it and I can’t bring it back.  Not quite sure how a Mediterranean village home fits in but the couple seemed to be expecting me – I think they were sent to help and encourage me on my journey.  The man clearly wanted to help but the lady seemed to know that I had to achieve it on my own – find my own way.  It wasn’t easy to get through the doorway, I struggled to get up the step and big steps are always murder on my knees, but then I did have help with the rope handles.  Now I’ve been questioning long and hard lately, am I cut out for this kind of work, is it all true or just a figment of my imagination, can I trust enough to go with the flow?  For me this means that it is hard sometimes but if you put the effort in you will achieve your aims.  And finally the giving birth bit, this is me finally breaking through and making that connection within myself and seeing that I am exactly where I should be.

Now you may tell me it was just a dream, some may give me a completely different interpretation, but for now I think I am very happy with my version.


  1. Elaine...this is amazing and I think you have read your dream really well, Journeys are often interupted only for us to learn and then continue on our path.....our future is only starting xxx

  2. This great, you have got the right intepretation, I was going to say it is telling you to follow your dream. xx


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