Wednesday 2 May 2012

Introducing Clyde

Can I introduce you to Clyde.  Clyde is a beautiful orangutan, he’s around 20-years old and is about the size of a two-year-old child.  Although he’s never done much on a day-to-day basis, except perhaps act as a playmate for my cats, he’s now proving to be a valuable helper.

When I did Reiki 1 I practised hand positions on him, with Reiki 2 I used him for distance healing and then when I became a Master Teacher I practised giving him attunements.  He took all this with good grace!

Yesterday Clyde came out with me for the first time.  I was doing a Master Teacher training day in my student’s own therapy room.  I have to say we picked up some very strange looks as we parked the car at the top of the street and walked to Gill’s.  Clyde seemed quite oblivious to it all.

Gill was a little surprised when she saw him but was very welcoming and even gave him a cuddle.  Clyde really got into the session and cooperated fully.  He received another attunement or two as Gill practised the procedure.    

I look forward to working with Clyde in the future as we train more Reiki Master Teachers.  Who knows, I may even find other roles for him as we move forward.

I wonder how other Reiki practitioners practise??

1 comment:

  1. I have my own little helper for attunements and treatments. My helper is a white stuffed bear, creatively called "Mr Bear". When not helping me, he lives in my sons' bedroom and keeps the other animals company.


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