Monday 7 May 2012

Another Lesson in Trust

I was asked, a few months ago, if I would like to give Reiki at a Pamper Evening that was being organised as a fundraiser at a local school.  These were to be just 15-minute taster sessions, I would be in a hall with all the other therapists and I could charge what I liked, although they hoped it wouldn't be too much.  I hummed and hared a bit and then agreed.  The main reason for doubt was my concerns over whether any potential clients would have a good experience of Reiki when there was so much going on around them.

As the day approached I still had mixed feelings but I had committed to do it and so I would make the best of the evening.  I had decided that I wouldn't charge but ask for donations for the Bowen4Children Clinic, where I volunteer Reiki.   I was plagued with doubts and I really didn’t think I would get any clients.  It’s the same old thing with me, although I trust Reiki 100% I always think that no-one will want me and that everyone who does Reiki does it better than I do.  But anyway, I would go and at the very least I would be able to talk to people about Reiki and help spread the word.

The day arrived and I asked my guides for help and to make the evening perfect for everyone’s highest good.  My best friend, Pat, had offered to come with me to give me a bit of support and help in any way she could.  We arrived at the school and was shown, not into the main hall where everyone else was, but into a classroom filled with furniture, toys and other stuff that children need at school.  There were to be four of us in the room, giving reflexology, massage, facial rejuvenation and my Reiki.  We cleared enough space and set up our bits and pieces.  I think we all felt a little tucked out of the way and none of us had any idea of how many clients we had, if indeed any.  I asked the organiser for a list and when I got my copy I was delighted to see I had three clients booked in.  They were fairly spread out so that meant I could give them more than the agreed 15-minutes.  Fantastic!

My first client arrived and I started to work --- and I never stopped!!!  Every time I thought I had finished, Pat told me I had one or two more waiting.  Those three clients multiplied into eleven by the end of the evening – wow! 

Why, oh why do I ever doubt?  My “people” had come up trumps again – they never fail me.  So why do I persistently doubt what I do?  It’s a real confidence thing with me and I will really have to work hard to overcome it.  Reiki works, I know that.  I can channel Reiki, I know that too.  So why do I think people will not want Reiki from me?  Something to work on, I think.


  1. Trust as you say is important.I learned at the beginning that you can do Reiki anywhere.Somehow your surroundings become irrelevant as you work.I've done it in a corridor ,outside a hotel when the bride collapsed at her wedding,on abeach in Greece with the sun blazing down.etc.It also doesn't matter about uniform or a well-appointed salon.It's the Reiki that matters .Of course if you are charging you make sure yourpremises are clean and comfortable but for emergencies or charity events--just do it--it works and it takes you out of your ego just as you noticed,well done you.

  2. Loved your blog post Elaine! It must be divine timing that we met on here. I have just been asked to do similar 15 minute sessions for a retreat of cancer survivors and their caregivers. May I ask what hand positions you used for an abbreviated session? Peace and light,

  3. Hi Beth
    I used eye, ears, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root and just stayed a couple of minutes at each. But that was just how I felt, you may feel differently when you start - go with your own intuition.
    Have fun.
    Love & Light
    Elaine x

  4. Hi Elaine, bravo. That was a busy day. I was in a similar situation. We all want you, dont worry. You know i put out some really powerful energy. But it doesn't have to be all that power. Reiki is subtle yet powerful. Its hard in a group like this because of all of the distractions but it will still work. All you can do is put it out. You are not in charge of where it goes and what it does once it leaves you. You are the channel. No results are promised so you can just do the job and enjoy it. I love that you still continued and indeed did a wonderful job. You represented all of us just by being there and doing it. Thank you from all of us. Lots of love, Brett Young Lion Healer/Reiki Master

  5. Love your candid way of sharing your experiences, Elaine.

    Trust, as others have said, is totally the key for this kind of thing. The Universe will never send you anything you cannot cope with - it may push you into your stretch zone from your comfort zone now and then, but that's good, because then your comfort zone gets bigger!

    I find the more I stress about how many people will come to me for reiki treatments or help sorting their life out, the more I stem the flow! Go figure!?!

    Perhaps a more pertinent question to ask yourself is "why WOULDN"T people want to come to you for a treatment?" You give off a wonderful energy and you will totally attract those people to you that will most benefit from your channeling and your vibration. When you tap into your magnificence you'll be amazed at just how brightly you really are shining.

    Onwards and upwards! Get yourself out there and keep sharing that wonderful vibration that you are.

    Alun :)


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