Monday 14 May 2012

The Next Step

The next stage on my journey has just began and, yup, it’s taking me even further out of my comfort zone.

Once I had decided to allow Reiki to take me where it wants to, things have just gone from better to better.

Around 6-weeks or so ago my friend Gill and I started talking about a possible joint venture whereby we could help support and guide those about to embark on their own spiritual journey.  We were both Reiki Master Teachers and had a wealth of spiritual experience between us – was it now time to start helping others?

Well there’s no time like the present so this week we announced the formation of our own Centre for Enlightenment.

I placed my trust in my “people” and asked for help on how to get the Centre off the ground.  We needed a launch event of some sort and had no idea what we could do – they did!  They put the idea in my head and, oh boy, was it a good one.  But I was unsure whether it would happen and was hesitant about making that first approach.  But they had given me this idea so the very least I could do was to try – I made the first approach.

Dominic C. James is a Reiki Master and author of The Reiki Man.  His second book is due out later this month and he lives in my area.  I needed to contact him and ask if he would be willing to be our Guest Speaker at our launch event.  I sent an e-mail.

As soon as I hit that send button my brain kicked in with “it will never happen”, “he’ll charge too much”, “he’ll say no” and on and on it went.  I checked my e-mails every 5-minutes for a week – no reply.  That’s it, he wouldn’t do it, he didn’t want to know – Gill and I would have to come up with another plan for our launch.  One morning last week I was mulling over what kind of event we could come up with and what a shame that Dominic didn’t want to do it as he would have been so perfect.  So I asked for help to come up with another idea.

An hour later I had an e-mail from Dominic – yes, he would do it!!!!!  I was overjoyed and once again my people had come up trumps.  But I had forgotten that Dominic was a Reiki Master too and a very spiritual person – it’s in our make-up to help when we can.

So on Friday 15 June we will launch the Como Centre for Enlightenment and will have an Evening with Dominic C James, Reiki Master and Author.

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