Tuesday 29 May 2012

Enjoying the Moment

Well, life is really kicking up the pace right now and, I must, admit I’m loving every minute of it.  Just under a year ago I was wondering whether I should give up my part-time job and immerse myself in Reiki and now my life has moved in ways I would have never thought possible.

Our Como Centre for Enlightenment is up and running, although we still have our launch event on 15 June.  Organising this event has pushed me into doing things that I’m not totally comfortable with.  I am not happy asking people to do things for me, asking for favours, selling stuff, that kind of thing but to get this event off the ground I have had to do it.  I have asked people to put up posters, sell tickets, even buy tickets!  I have had to promote our centre and advertise our event – all things that I’ve not done before.  Of course, I haven’t had to do it all alone – Gill, my partner in Como - has been working hard too and we hope that all our efforts will not be in vain.  Gill reminds me that I have to trust, and yes I do, but there’s a thin line between sitting back and trusting and getting off your backside and making it happen.  I’m still trying to find that line!

We now have our second event in the planning stages – a Holistic and Spiritual Fair.  No good sitting back on our laurels, we have to come up with ideas that keeps everyone interested and happy.  Again, I will be asking others to do things for me and that really doesn’t sit naturally with me.  I would sooner do things myself than ask but I’m beginning to realise that I can’t do it all and, actually, some people do like to be asked for help and feel involved.

So I’m getting to know me a little more, finding out what I’m good at and not so good at, and stretching myself just that little bit more.  I’ve no idea what I’ll be doing in the future, what kind of events we’ll be running at the Centre, of how successful it will be, but I do know that I am having so much fun.  So I will live in the now and enjoy the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elaine,

    I like your blog. I also like the idea of a local holistic fair. If you need speakers and people to offer their service for free, I'd be very much up for talking about and demonstrating Family Constellation Work.

    By the way, I'm getting attuned on 10th June. This will be my first Reiki course, and I'm so excited.


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