Thursday 10 May 2012

Out of My Comfort Zone

Last August I jumped right out of my comfort zone - I left my job to do what I wanted to do!


I had no idea whether this would work or not, but my family agreed to support me in my dream.  At that point I was a Reiki Practitioner so set about advertising and trying to build up a practice.  It was slow, I got a few clients but it was never going to earn me a living.

Earlier this year I finally qualified as a Reiki Master Teacher and thought this would give my practice a well-needed boost and I might finally start to earn a modest living.  Wrong!!

Oh, I had a student and more will come, but I am not going to earn the living that I thought I needed.  Things were not going as I planned.  Reading around the internet I noted that others were running thriving Reiki practices, what was I doing wrong?  This gave rise to some serious self-doubt.  Oh I knew that Reiki worked, I knew that I could channel it, but for some reason no-one wanted me to channel it to them!!  What was wrong with me?

Well nothing was wrong with me, I was just approaching it in the wrong way.  I presumed that I could decide what I wanted to do and all would be well – wrong again.

Some deep thinking followed and slowly I realised that I didn’t control the way I was to work.  Oh yes, I had free will but when I tried to exercise it I was just getting nowhere.  I started to move in a different direction, I began to recognise opportunities when they appeared and I acted upon them.  I didn’t know if it would work or not, but if I didn’t try I would never know.   I joined forces with my good friend, Gill, who runs her own holistic therapy practice and, if you’ve read my earlier blogs, you will know that over the past month or so things have really started to take off.

I’ve now taken “me” out of the equation.  I don’t think it was ever an ego thing, but more one of control.  I’ve always wanted to be in control of my life, to plan and know what the outcome will be!  So, out of my comfort zone again, I’ve removed my expectations and am going with the flow.  I’m learning to follow my intuition and, believe it or not, I take daily guidance from my Angel Cards.

Now I’m taking another leap and, again, I don’t know whether this will be successful or not but I have a very good, positive feeling about it.  Gill and I are about to launch our joint venture and are  in the planning stages of our first event, which is so exciting and I will be telling you more about that soon.

Reiki is still right for me, I know that, and I hope in future I will still get opportunities to give and teach it, but I was wrong when I thought it was my decision that Reiki was the only thing I would do!

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