Thursday 24 May 2012

Using my Intuition

Gill ran our Spiritual Development Group last night and choose to work on developing our intuition.  We started in our usual way with a little prayer, asking for help and protection, and then we had a short guided meditation.

She brought out some Tarot Cards and told us that we were to try to use our intuition to give a reading.  Now Gill had used the Tarot Cards many times before so was quite used to doing card readings but, although I had my own pack, I had not used them for over 25-years and certainly could not remember their meanings.  But Gill reminded us that it was not the literary meaning of each card that we were looking at, we were going to use our intuition too.

In turns we left the room while the remaining three each chose a card.  Coming back we first tried to pick up on the energies and then place each card with the correct person before going on to give a card reading.  I was the last to have a go and felt a little hesitant as everyone before me had been quite remarkable in their interpretation of the cards.  

Hmmmm, I thought, this would be a bit tricky as I don’t class myself as very intuitive at all.  Oh, I had gut feelings but intuitive?  Nah!  However, I was keen to have a go so held my hand over the faced down cards.  Ooooh, how strange, the middle one did feel different and I can’t really explain how.  I even matched it to the correct person and, again, I can’t tell you why.  I didn’t even give it too much thought, but then perhaps that’s the correct way to do it – take your own thoughts out of it completely!!

So I found the card and matched it with the correct person, but I still had to interpret the card, based on what I could see and how I felt when I looked at it.  I started talking - and didn’t shut up.  I honestly don’t know where those words came from  - well, I do really.  I was being guided and I listened !!!  I was amazed, but this was just one card, wouldn’t work again.  Oh but it did.  Gill confirmed that each of my three interpretations were spot on.  Wow!!

We then did a fun thing – out into the garden with paper and ink and like children we made ink blot pictures.  Back inside and we discussed each “picture” in turn.  Although we each saw a few  individual things, on the whole we tended to see as one.  Then, amazingly, we all let our intuition take over and started to read the ink blots.  I’m not sure what psychologists would say about that, but I was totally gobsmacked!

It just goes to show that, when you allow your intuition take over, let your guides help, and stand back – then wonderful things happen.

1 comment:

  1. Elaine,

    So great to hear about you tapping into your intuition. One thing I find when teaching people to do this is to just trust and keep going without worrying about what they're saying is making sense. Just say what comes into your head, and let go of fear about it being "wrong". Sometimes (at first) some of it may not resonate with the person you are reading for, but the more you trust it and go with it without worrying about whether it's "right" or "wrong" it'll get so much more spot on.

    The other thing that I learned when doing this kind of thing is that it doesn't have to make sense to me! :-D The message is for the other person, and so sometimes all sorts of things that seem bizarre to me are absolutely spot on for the other person! Always makes me smile when that happens.

    Have fun with it.. the more fun it is the easier it gets.
    Great blog :)


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