Friday 1 June 2012


“Have I had measles?” my son asked in an e-mail earlier this week.

“No”, I replied, “why do you ask?”

“My housemate’s got it, is it catching?”

“Yes, it is – keep away from him.  Although you was immunised when you was a baby, but you still need to be careful”.

I haven’t heard from him since!

Why is she waffling on about measles, you may be wondering.  Well my son is currently in Romania and due to fly home on Monday.  I haven’t seen him since last September when he took off for Brazil, via Spain.  I am so excited about seeing him that I don’t want anything to go wrong.

The night of his e-mail I sent Reiki – oodles of it!  I asked Archangel Raphael for help to protect him and ensure a safe journey home.  Then, for some strange reason (although not that strange really) I had a strong urge to place him in a blue bubble.  As I put him in the bubble, and zipped it up, I saw lots of blue swirling around, which then turned green.  Before I finished I made Reiki available to his housemate, although I don’t know his name so just had to send it to the man with measles in Romania – hope it worked.  I expect by now all men suffering with measles in Romania are starting to feel better!

The next morning I sent my son an e-mail telling him what I had done, and urged him to visualise himself in the blue bubble, and to ask Archangel Raphael for help too.  I don’t know whether he will do it, he may just think I’ve gone a step too far, but he does take Reiki from me when he feels the need.

It’s funny you know, but since I’ve been doing Reiki, and using the five precepts as my daily affirmations, I worry a lot less than I used to.  If this had happened before Reiki I would have been tempted to get on the next flight to Romania and check him for myself, even though he’s an adult and more than capable of looking after himself.  But I’ve sent Reiki and I trust that all will be as it should be.

All I can do now is wait for Monday.  I’m sure I would have heard if he had succumbed to the virus – wouldn’t I?

1 comment:

  1. I really can't wait now to learn Reiki. And I can't wait to give it to myself and others :) Loved your story.


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