Saturday 16 June 2012

The Launch

Gill, Dominic & Me at the Launch of  Como

Well it happened and boy did it happen!

It feels like I have spent the last week on a rollercoaster and now that I am off, I have that giddy adrenaline rush and the feeling of “wow, I want to do it again”.

As most of you know, last week I was whittling about the number of tickets we had sold and whether our guest speaker, Dominic James, would feel a bit let down by the low numbers.  After all, he was a Reiki Master and published author and probably used to speaking to larger audiences.  I suppose in a way I felt a little in awe that we had managed to get a “famous” person – after all he had made TV and radio appearances!

As the week went by, ticket sales slowly crept up and by mid-week we had reached 30.  Well, I thought, that’s pretty good although it didn’t quite reach my expectation, although I hadn’t a clue what my expectation really was!  I felt it only fair to let Dominic know how many people he should expect in the audience.  In a way I was trying to manage his expectations a little, although heaven knows I hadn’t managed my own.

Friday came, and I had one last session of pleading and begging with my guides to make it the perfect evening for us, and oh boy did they come through with the goods.  Even the rain stopped yesterday and we had brief spells of sunshine.

We totalled just over 40 people in the hall last night, and the energy was amazing.  Dominic was just adorable and more nervous, I think, than I was.  But the evening just flowed, Dominic told us of his life, his writing and his Reiki journey, he answered endless questions and stayed until the very end talking to everyone who approached him. 

So we launched the Como Centre for Enlightenment in grand style and, most appropriately, during Reiki Awareness Week.  Our audience was fantastic, they interacted well, asked questions and made suggestions.  Gill and I now have lots of work to do to ensure that Como meets the needs of all.  We already have two events in the diary – a “Fun with Crystals” workshop at the end of September and a “Holistic and Spiritual Fair” at the beginning of December.

I think my main lessons from this have to be, once again, trust and also learning to manage my expectations.  I know this is the right thing for me to do, and I’m sure we can make it successful, but sometimes I do tend to let everyday life and thoughts overshadow what I know deep down to be right.

But then, I am a work-in-progress!

1 comment:

  1. Really pleased it went so well for you all... One of the hardest things I think for us all is trusting that it'll all be all right on the night!

    I also believe that the perfect number of people will arrive for these kinds of events and, whether that's just 2, 20 or 200 it's all perfect.

    Our problem in life is that we live with the adage "seeing is believing" whereas the deeper truth is when we believe... we'll see! Talk about arse about face! :-D

    Wishing you much fun with your future events... remember to put it into the hands of the Universe and trust that people will be drawn to the Light you're shining the more that you stay centred and in a good vibration space.

    Blessings always


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