Sunday 24 June 2012

It's Been a Long Week

It’s exactly one week since my Dad had a stroke and it’s been a week of highs and lows.  There have been several times when we thought “this is it”, but he’s hanging on in there and yesterday was the best I’ve seen him all week.  We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Obviously I’ve been giving and sending him Reiki on a daily basis, and what is really amazing me is that I continue to step out of the way and allow the guides to work.  I had anticipated that I would not be able to do that because I was too emotionally involved.  I thought that I would want to ask for a specific outcome, but no, I am sending the Reiki for his highest possible good.  Quite amazing.

I’m also surprised that I am a lot calmer than I thought I would be and I think my step-family are surprised by my reactions.  Yes, of course I’m upset about what’s happened to my Dad, but I can’t be so demanding of a medical team who don’t have all the answers and can’t comment on his long-term recovery.  I can’t make plans for 6-weeks ahead because I just don’t know what will happen.

I am learning to live in the now, and I am happy to do so.  I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, I hope it will be good but worrying today will not change tomorrow.  I will do my bit by setting good intentions and sending Reiki.

It’s funny you know, although I’ve always known about the bigger picture, I think I am now beginning to realise that it is so.  Dad’s stroke, while horrendous for him and us in this lifetime, is but a fraction of the lifetimes to come.  It’s like I am getting little glimpses of the whole and then I snap back into now – does that make sense?  It’s quite difficult to explain but I’m sure you’ll know what I’m talking about.

So – my Dad’s had a stroke and it’s pretty horrible for all of us.  But we’re not the only family going through this, there is a whole building, at just that one hospital, of families who are coping the best way they can.  I hope that at some point I might be of use to some of the patients and families, but we will see.

I hope I am learning many lessons through this experience, I certainly feel they are there for me.

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