Friday 8 June 2012

One Week To Go

This time next week and we will be in the throes of launching our Como Centre for Enlightenment

I am both very excited and very nervous – is that normal?  Yes, I expect it is.

I am excited about launching our Centre and all the wonderful things we can do and the journeys that we will be undertaking.  I’m excited about meeting our guest speaker, Dominic James, and hearing of his journey into Reiki and how he became an author.  I am so looking forward to all the new people that we will be meeting.

I am nervous about this huge leap into the unknown, although I don’t doubt for one minute that this is the right direction to move in.  I am nervous that the evening will be a disaster as, to date, we have not been overwhelmed with ticket sales.  I am nervous that Dominic might think it’s all been a waste of his time if he doesn’t walk into a packed hall.

We have sold some tickets, and we still have a week to go, but just not in the numbers that I expected.  But perhaps that’s my problem – I haven’t managed my expectations very well at all.  A good friend of mine suggested that maybe I ought to consider cancelling the event!  No way – not an option!!  I wouldn’t even discuss it with her.

My partner, Gill, and I have advertised everywhere we can think of, both on-line and locally.  We’ve created a simple website and a Facebook page.  We have no money to put into this venture so are totally reliant on goodwill and free advertising.  People have been very kind and have taken, and displayed, our posters.  We have contacted local radio and hope we get a mention.  Plus, of course, I have been asking “my people” for help – I’m sure they’ll be glad when Friday is over and I quieten down a bit!

There is nothing more we can do.  I’m trying not to worry, it’s one of my daily affirmations.  Worrying will not help one little bit and I have to accept that what will be will be.  We have one week to go, I have trust and “my people” will ensure that this event is as perfect as it should be.

It’s going to be quite a week!

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