Monday 18 June 2012

After the High ...

After floating around on a bit of a high all day Saturday after the launch of Como, I came crashing back down on Sunday.

Two things happened – the first was I developed a cold.  I’m sure I had probably been incubating it for a few days, but once everything had returned to normal my body allowed it to break free!  Not too bad in the grand scheme of things and plenty of self-Reiki will ensure a speedy recovery.

The second thing that happened, and more devastating for me, was that my father had a stroke!  He is 87-years old and lives alone but amazingly he happened to be with a neighbour when it happened.  He was obviously taken straight to hospital and I rushed to be there, but it’s a two and a half hour drive away and it seemed to take forever.  When I got to the hospital he was conscious but had lost his speech and was paralysed down the right side of his body.

I felt totally useless and out of control, all I could do was pump tons of Reiki into him and boy, was he drawing it.

It’s early days to think about the long-term prognosis but, for him, this is the worst possible thing that could happen and I am not sure how he will cope.  He’s a very independent, proud man and the limits his age places on his body already frustrates him.

At this point in time I’m not sure of my own feelings.  Part of me wants him to pass over to a better life but I don’t want to lose my Dad.

The one thing that is helping so much is the knowledge that there is better to come for him.  I am trying hard to live in the now – worrying will not change a thing, but it’s hard.

We all have to lose people we love, and I’m certainly not looking for the sympathy vote here, but I just want to share how much Reiki and my spiritual knowledge is helping me at the moment.  I’m concerned that others might think I’m heartless and callous but, really, I only want the best for my Dad.

But it’s his journey to make and, although I will be with him as much as I possibly can, this is one journey that I can’t make with him.


  1. Darling this is one of the hardest things to do having a parent made me sad when you told me,especially on fathers day reminded me of my father.

    All we have is the now as you know, making him comfortable is about all we can do, sending reiki healing will be top of my list, yes it is his journey but how wonderful that whatever happens you will play a huge part in this part of his journey with a wonderful gift of reiki love.

    What will be will be..........this part we have no control xx

    Much love :-) x

  2. Dear Elaine,

    It is not heartless to say what you've said, it's the opposite. It's wonderful how you share your thoughts and worries with the world, and tremendously helpful. It makes me think of my own parents, and how much I am grateful that they're still alive and healthy. And it makes me aware that it could change any second.

    Best of luck and all the best for your dad!



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