Friday 30 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout – Experiment #4

Wow, now this one was amazing.

The task was to ask the Universe for something specific and for it to manifest within 48-hours.

Ironically we (Como) are running a Cosmic Ordering Workshop in October and we needed a couple more students, so I asked the Universe for at least one person to sign-up and gave the 48-hour deadline.

48-hours later and nothing.  I was so disappointed. 

But what did happen was my thoughts were turning to the need to post reminders for the Workshop on all social media that we use.  Mmmm, not convinced but nothing to lose, so I decided I would extend the time period of manifestation for another 48-hours and I would get on with posting reminders.

I also felt that I needed to write my order down, be totally specific about what I wanted and also to write down self-limiting beliefs that could be stopping me from receiving my order.  As I wrote my self-limiting beliefs down I actually gave each one to the Universe to be transmuted back to the positive.

That was yesterday.

This morning I checked my e-mails and, yes you’ve guessed it, a sign-up for the Workshop.

Sunday 25 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout – Experiment #3

This experiment was an easy one for me so I expected positive results.

This time we were to observe how our thoughts, both positive and negative, influenced the energy around us.

We were to use dowsing rods and Pam told us how to make some using drinking straws and wire coat hangers.  Very simple and relatively no cost.  But I already had a pair of rods made from bamboo and copper so I was ready to start.  We were to spend time thinking negative and positive thoughts and notice which way the rods moved.  The rods should move inwards with negative thoughts and outwards as they tracked the energy of positive thoughts.

So I sat with my rods pointing straight ahead and tried thinking negative thoughts.  It didn’t come as easy as I thought it would but I ended up thinking of a person who aggravated me the most.  Slowly the rods started to turn inwards.  My thoughts turned more positive and I started to think about the next Reiki Share Group – the rods turned outwards immediately.

It was working, but I needed to do it again with different thoughts.  For the negative I started to dwell on all the current troubles in Egypt and those who had lost their lives and I could feel my anger start to build.  So could the rods - they moved inwards.  I changed my thoughts and started to concentrate on building and projecting positive energy – the rods moved outwards as if they were tracking my flowing energy.

Fabulous, it was all working exactly as I thought it would.  One final test - I asked my friend to do it and, as she has a science background, I knew this would be the most accurate I could achieve.  Sure enough, rods swung inwards with negative thoughts and outwards with her positive thoughts. 

So success in experiment number three.  This was going really well but I still had six more experiments to go!

Monday 19 August 2013

Meditation – Or Was It?

Last week we held our regular Meditation Group and welcomed two new members.  Both had meditated before and had a deep understanding of all things spiritual.  We agreed on the amount of time we wanted to meditate for, set the timer with soft chimes, and began.

It was going well and then the timer went off and we all jumped – it was so loud and brought us back too rapidly.  We were not happy! 

We all agreed that we wanted to go back to our meditation place but decided not to set the timer, just rely on intuition to bring us back. 

We settled again but then someone in the group said no, can’t do it, there’s someone in the building.  Naturally we were all concerned and three of us went to search.  Nobody there.  We settled again but some of the group began hearing footsteps and then a moan was heard. 

Someone needed our help.  I had a moment of uncertainty and apprehension – I was supposed to be leading this group but suddenly I was being asked to do more than just lead a meditation.  Could I do it?  But then I was being told that of course I could, I had done it before and I would know what to do.

So we settled.  I called upon our guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters, asked for their protection and asked for help to deal with whoever needed it.  I immediately felt the Archangels join ranks behind us, completely enfolding us.  I asked the group to build their energies, focus their light and send unconditional love to whoever we were helping.  I felt a male presence who didn’t want to leave so I asked Archangel Michael to cut the ties that held him and immediately everything started to feel lighter.  We knew when he had gone so we closed ourselves down and gave thanks to all who helped.

Needless to say we all talked for ages.  The person we had just helped to move onwards was not a nice person in this lifetime, he had committed a serious crime and was frightened of facing his victim who had been a family member.  As he moved towards the light he was met by his victim and was forgiven - he moved onward in love and light.  

We all agreed that we felt we had just been given a test and one which we passed.  We had remained as a group, stayed in our own light and helped this person to move on. 

The interesting thing was that when we tested the timer again, it was much quieter and gentler than the one that brought us back so rapidly.   

Thursday 8 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout - Experiment #2

Flushed with the success of Experiment #1, I couldn’t wait to get started on the next one.

In this chapter the author talks about our reticular filters and how they work.  Our reticular filters are particularly important in cosmic ordering* or manifestation – you have to be aware of how your order will manifest.  I’m not going any further here - you’ll just have to read the book.

This experiment was simple – just notice how many green cars seen in a 24-hour period, followed by yellow butterflies in the next 24-hours.

Green cars, mmmm, don’t think I’ve seen many green cars at all, so I wasn’t holding out too much hope here.   I was up fairly early and the first vehicle past my house was the dustcart – green!  Could I count trucks and lorries?  Not sure, but I’d seen a green vehicle and I’d only just got up – wow! 

Mid-morning I popped out to get some shopping and, would you believe, I clocked up 8 green cars plus 3 green trucks.  During the rest of the day I counted another 10 cars and 5 trucks, making a total of 18 green cars and 8 green trucks.  Was that good?  I don’t know, but considering I didn’t expect to see one, I considered it quite successful.

Day two and yellow butterflies, got to be easier.  How wrong was I?  I didn’t see one yellow butterfly and I was disappointed.  Now had it been white butterflies I could have counted hundreds, but not a yellow one to be seen.

But I guess the whole point of this exercise is the more you focus on an object the more likely you are to find it.

If you want to know more about Cosmic Ordering, there are still a few places left on the forthcoming Workshop being held at the Como Centre – more details here.

Monday 5 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout - Experiment #1

I’d been seeing a lot of mention of E2 by Pam Grout over the past week or so and thought I’d better have a closer look as I was sure it was being shown to me for a reason.  It looked like another kind of self-help book, based on the Laws of Abundance and Attraction, but went a little further in saying that we could create the life we wanted.  What appealed to me was the nine experiments that the reader could do themselves, giving proof on whether this works for you or not.

I read a few of the reviews which, on the whole, were good but there were a few bad ones in there.  But figuring that everything has those who thinks it’s a load of old codswallop, I decided to give it a go.  After all, it was only £1.99 to download from Amazon.

I started reading and oh boy was this making a whole lot of sense.  It brought a lot of science, especially quantum physics, into play which I could totally accept.  My plan was to read the whole book and then go back and do the nine experiments.  But I couldn’t wait, so once I got to Experiment #1, I set my request for personal proof.

On Thursday 1st August at 1:30pm I gave the Universe just 48-hours to deliver a small gift.  I was no more specific than that, I just needed a gift from someone.

Within 2-hours I had been into my local optician as I was having problems with my glasses.  They made several adjustments and changed the pads for larger, gel ones.  When I asked how much, the guy said nothing, no charge at all.  Was that my gift?

The following day and nothing at all.  No gift forthcoming so I figured the opticians must have been it, but I still had roughly 12 hours to go.

The following day I was chatting to a friend about her successful weight loss.  As a hypnotherapist she had practised what she preached with great results and then she offered to take me through hypnotherapy for weight loss - as a gift!  Excited or what – not only was she offering me a way to get to grips with my weight, but it was a gift. 

Arriving home after a wonderful day, and the arrival of my gift, my friend asked if I had received anything during the day.  I told her of the weight loss gift and then she said “this arrived for you this afternoon” and gave me a vase full of beautiful flowers.  OMG – another gift, this time from friends wishing me luck for our Open Day and apologising for not being able to be there.

Absolutely amazing – gifts galore!  Bring on Experiment #2.

Get your copy of E2 by Pamela Grout now and start working through her experiments.  It’s only by doing things for yourself that you’ll find your proof.

Friday 2 August 2013

The Drawing

Following on from my last blog, and S's guide, I just thought I would share with you what happened next.

The morning after I met the guide I awoke really early with a strong feeling that I had to draw him.

Surely not, I thought, I can’t draw.  But no, I was being urged to get on with it.  So much so that I was reminded of an artist set that had been a gift but left in a drawer, unused, for years.

I got up early and rummaged in the drawer – a set of pencils plus an instruction book on how to sketch and draw.  Hummmm, did I really want to do this?  Well no, but I was being nagged so went along with it and even went into town and bought an Artists’ Sketchbook.

That afternoon I sat and drew.  It’s no masterpiece that’s for sure, but I did what I was told and here he is.

I don't know what this will lead to - my guides are probably having a good old laugh and thinking "well, we won't get her to do that again!".