Saturday 28 April 2012

What a Difference a Month Makes

With the first Reiki Share under my belt, and such a successful one at that, it was time to think of the second.  I had always assumed that, once started, the Shares would just continue every month with maybe the odd new student.  They would be good, and we could learn and try different ways of working, but essentially there would just be our monthly Share.  How wrong was I!

At the first Share, a month ago, there was just four of us.  We worked really well together and the energy was amazing.  We all agreed that what we had was special and that there was so much potential within the group.  We spent as much time talking about spiritual development as we did sharing Reiki.  I think we each realised that night that there was much more to do than share with each other, although I have to say the Reiki was pretty phenomenal.  All four of us were, or nearly, Reiki Masters and as such wanted to explore and develop our spiritual awareness.  And so that first night saw the conception of our “Spiritual Development Group”. 

Last night the four of us met again and that group was born.  We spent our time discussing and forming a structure by which to go forward.  We agreed that an hour was nowhere near long enough and so we decided to meet on a separate evening and we would keep the Shares separate.  Once a month, on a Wednesday evening, we will be exploring and discovering our spiritual side and working with our guides to tap into the potential that is within each of  us.  How exciting is that?

But we all agreed that the Reiki Shares should continue, and grow, as we recognised this was a vital part of our development too.  We have now opened this to anyone trained in Reiki and will meet once a month, on a Friday evening, to share Reiki.

Because the Share Group is growing, we had to change location and this, I must admit, was giving me some concern over the past couple of weeks.  We booked the local village hall which had all the facilities we needed plus a large car park.  But I was concerned that it might be too big and that the energy would not be right.  I needn’t have worried because after the space had been cleared the energy began to build nicely and by the time we started the atmosphere was good.  Last night we welcomed two new ladies.  After a cup of tea and a getting-to-know-you session we had a 10-minute meditation and then moved to the bed for some Reiki.  What a  fantastic session we had!  We all worked well together, tried some different ways of working and of course we each received some fabulous Reiki energy.  A brilliant share. 

I hope these will continue to grow and that all who join will experience the fantastic Reiki energy that we did last night.

So, in a month we have formed a good, and growing, Reiki Share Group and we also have an exciting Spiritual Development Group.    

And if all of that was not enough for one month, my very good friend Gill Moss and I have been discussing some ideas we have for a very exciting joint venture - but more about that next time.

Monday 23 April 2012

My Son and I

I’ve just spent the last hour or so reading my son’s blogs.  We don’t connect on any of the social or professional networking sites so I feel very honoured to have been invited to read these.  He’s a Life Coach and is currently doing Modelling work in Brazil.  I understand the work that he does, albeit at a very broad level, but I was totally blown away by what he is doing now and how he is connecting with teenagers in Brazil.  He is really making a difference.  If you would like to read about his work then do have a look at

We are all proud of our children and their achievements, which is as it should be.  I, too, am a very proud mother and nothing gives me more pleasure than watching his success, but I am amazed that he and I are now beginning to share similar ideals and beliefs and we are moving towards working in a more parallel way.

Our aims are very much the same.  We are both trying to help people to help themselves – he through his coaching skills and me through Reiki, healing and spiritual development.  We both want to help people to be more in control of their lives, to see that they have choices.  We both believe that everyone is capable of achieving much more and has the wherewithal inside them to lead a happier life.  We are both following our dreams, albeit mine coming a lot later in life!  We both share a passion for what we do.

But what I found so uplifting was his understanding that each of us are individuals and that we should not judge one another.  We know nothing of how past experiences have shaped others, what another has suffered, what they now have to put up with in their life, and so we are in no position to pass judgements.  We have not idea of where their pathways will take them, so should not try to lead them anywhere.  We allow them free will.  We each have our own pathway to walk.

It’s not easy I know, I struggle every day to be non-judgemental, but as one of the Reiki precepts it is part of my daily affirmations and I’m working on it.

Respecting one another’s values, beliefs and way of life doesn’t mean we have to agree with them, but just accept that they are so.  It doesn’t make us right and them wrong, or vice versa, just different.  If only everyone thought this way, what a world we could live in.

And so, should my son be reading my blog – I am so proud of the man you have become x

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Just a Dream?

I’ve never really paid too much attention to dreams, some are nice and some not so nice but I’ve never thought too deeply about their meaning.  I know that sometimes our guides and angels work with us in dream state and I’m now wondering if that’s what happened to me last night.

The dream was this:

I’d nipped down to my local Sainsbury to get a few bits and pieces but when I came out I couldn’t remember where I’d parked my car.  The car park was half empty but I still couldn’t see it.  I used the remote to unlock the doors thinking that I would see the lights and hear it click open.  I heard the click and saw the lights flicker out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned towards it I still couldn’t see the car.  I repeated it a couple of times, heard the click and saw the lights at the periphery of my vision but as I turned towards it, still no car.  I walked back towards the shop and then I found myself on a building site.  I knew I couldn’t ask the builders about me car as they would laugh and say “silly bloody woman”.  As I walked along the building site changed into a beautiful little alleyway, the type you see lovely Mediterranean  villages.  It could have been Greek, Italian or even Spanish, I just don’t know.  I then found myself in the home of a middle-aged couple who smiled in welcome but could speak no English.  I tried to apologise for suddenly appearing in their home but I don’t think they understood, they just kept smiling and welcoming me.  I tried to find my way back out of the room, the man opened a door and pointed upwards.  There was the biggest step I’d ever seen, it reached up to my waist and I knew I would not be able to get out that way.  The man went to another door and, although I couldn’t understand what he was saying to the woman, I knew he went to get me a ladder to climb up on.  The lady told him not to, that I had to get out by myself.  I looked back inside the doorway and at shoulder level I saw two rope handles, one each side of the door.  I grabbed hold of the handles and eventually managed to pull myself up onto the step.  Once there I could see the way out but it was through a short narrow tunnel; there was bright light at the end.  I pushed and shoved and squeezed myself through and as I did so I somehow managed to turn to the woman and said “it’s a bit like giving birth”.  Then I woke up.

So it’s all a bit surreal and jumbled as only dreams can be.  But thinking about it this morning I think I begin to get its meaning.  The losing the car is unlike me as I usually remember roughly where I’ve parked it but I assimilate this to having started to develop spiritually and then stopping – I had something and then I lost it.  Using the remote and seeing the lights is rather like the feeling I sometimes have that I know something amazing, a bit like a eureka moment, but then it slips through my fingers and I’ve lost it and I can’t bring it back.  Not quite sure how a Mediterranean village home fits in but the couple seemed to be expecting me – I think they were sent to help and encourage me on my journey.  The man clearly wanted to help but the lady seemed to know that I had to achieve it on my own – find my own way.  It wasn’t easy to get through the doorway, I struggled to get up the step and big steps are always murder on my knees, but then I did have help with the rope handles.  Now I’ve been questioning long and hard lately, am I cut out for this kind of work, is it all true or just a figment of my imagination, can I trust enough to go with the flow?  For me this means that it is hard sometimes but if you put the effort in you will achieve your aims.  And finally the giving birth bit, this is me finally breaking through and making that connection within myself and seeing that I am exactly where I should be.

Now you may tell me it was just a dream, some may give me a completely different interpretation, but for now I think I am very happy with my version.

Thursday 12 April 2012

On the Threshold

I seem to have been in a perpetual state of excitement over the past couple of weeks.  It seems that Reiki has given my spiritual development a bit of a kick-start and I find that I am now seeing through new eyes.  My brain is in overdrive, constantly deep in thought and ruminating on the merits of doing this, that and the other.  I am finding that opportunities are beginning to open up and I get little glimpses of what might lay ahead.

I feel that I’m at a threshold.  

When I started Reiki, all that I envisaged was having a little Reiki practice and giving healing.  Pretty narrow vision eh?  I set about achieving this dream but found it wasn’t really happening like I wanted it to.  Yes, I was giving Reiki but mainly to family and friends – I wasn’t having people phoning me up asking for healing!  I even volunteered at a cancer centre and hospice, but no they didn’t want me either.  I had learnt to do Reiki but I couldn’t even give it away – what was wrong with me?  That’s when the self-doubt started to creep in and, I must admit, there was a time when it took over big-time and I seriously thought that I was no good at it and I would never be of service to anyone!

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  What had happened to my trust, and why on earth would I think it was all down to me – was my ego really that big?  I sat quietly and thought it all through, and I asked for help and guidance.  Oh, I got the guidance alright, but I didn’t actually like it and boy did it give me a kick up the backside.

Yes, I had learnt to do Reiki but it didn’t make me superwoman who could suddenly go out and heal the sick!  How arrogant was I thinking that people would be rushing to me to give them Reiki.  The sooner I got those thoughts out of my head, the sooner we could move on. Secondly, I was told to stop trying to run before I could walk!  Hmmmm, I’ve always been impatient so this was going to be tricky.  The third thing I was asked was what made me think that healing was my purpose?  I had naturally assumed that, because I had learnt Reiki, I would use it to give healing.  Wrong!

So I’ve done a bit of work on myself – the ego has been firmly put back in its place, I’ve stopped assuming that I know best and I’m learning to slow down and go with the flow!

Which brings me back to the beginning really.  In just a couple of weeks things have started to happen.

I was asked if I ran a Reiki Share.  I didn’t but this pushed me into doing something, so I organised just a small one and it was amazing.  This small group will continue to meet and use the time more as a development group.

I had another request from a lady asking if I had a Share she could join.  I have now joined forces with a very good friend and fellow Reiki Master - we will be expanding the shares and hopefully will be able to take everyone who asks.

I have taught and attuned my first student, which was the best experience ever.  I would love to continue teaching and pass Reiki to more people, so I hope my guides are listening and see fit to accommodate that small request!

I still don’t really know what I’m meant to do but I do know it will happen.

I trust that my "people" know what's right for me and I trust that it will happen when the time is right.

At my threshold the door is opening and the light is streaming through.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

My First Reiki Teaching

There’s a first time for everything and none more exciting, while also a little intimidating, than teaching and attuning your first Reiki student.  Today was my first time!

Gill had asked me to attune her to Reiki Level III and I agreed.  Now I can hear some Reiki Masters drawing their breath through pursed lips at my going straight into teaching Level 3, rather than starting at the beginning.  So, in my defence, I will say that Gill is a really good friend of mine and I knew that she was more than ready for this attunement.  She is passionate about her Reiki work and takes the responsibility of becoming a Reiki Master seriously.  I asked my guides if it was the right thing to do and they gave their blessing.  I followed my own intuition and everything was sitting well with me.

The date had been in my diary for two to three weeks and I had prepared as well as I knew how.  The manuals were written and I had rehearsed giving an attunement many times.  I started talking to my guides about the day and asked for their help for my personal preparation.  The night before was a sleepless one for me and I was glad when it was time to get up!  In the shower I was nattering away to my “people”, asking for help, asking them to make it alright and asking them to make it good for Gill.  Ask, ask, ask, ask, ask – they must really be getting fed up with me.  Out of the shower and I turned the radio on and what was the first song I heard?  George Michael singing “you’ve gotta have faith”!  A huge smile broke out, yes, they were doing this with me.

Gill and I started and it just flowed – we didn’t always keep to the programme, but it didn’t matter.  This was Gill’s training, Gill’s attunement, and it would be right for her.  We did a meditation, fantastic.  Then it was time for the attunement and, I have to be totally honest here, there was a moment when I couldn’t think and I did panic a bit.  Then I relaxed and said “help”.  They took over and guided me through the rest of it.  The attunement done and I couldn’t get a word out of Gill.  She finally said “wow” a couple of times and eventually she was able to tell me of her experience.  I can’t share that with you because it was Gill’s experience, her story to tell if she chooses, but suffice it to say I think she had an amazing attunement.

Personally, I thought I could have done better and I am almost certain that I missed something out.  But I was told that I did ok, and that the intent was the crucial thing and I had set my intent at the beginning.

After lunch we got down to some practical work.  Gill gave me a Reiki session using her new Master symbol.  Wow, another truly amazing experience.  Again, I can only talk for my experience, but it was the first time that I felt the energy work its way through my body.  I was aware of each spinning chakra and also saw each colour.   The feeling of unconditional love was overwhelming and, yes, the tears were flowing.

So my first teaching experience was absolutely amazing.  It felt so right and I know that this is what I want to do.  This is the beginning of the next phase of my journey and it’s so exciting.

Finally, I thank Gill for being my first student, but someone had to be first!!  I know that we are destined to work together and I so look forward to our journey.

Sunday 1 April 2012

The First Reiki Share

After I completed my Reiki Training I realised that I should be getting more involved with Reiki shares and should really be thinking about running one.  This was especially important to me if I was going to teach, as I would want something in place to offer my students.

I asked my Reiki Master how I should go about it.  She gave me good advice and even offered to come and help at my first session.  That was great, but I still had to find people to come!  So I asked my guides for help and set the intent that I needed someone to join my Reiki Share Group.

A few weeks later, whilst away on holiday, I got an e-mail from a lady who lived locally asking if I knew of any Reiki share groups she could join.  I replied immediately saying that I was away but would sort something out when I got home.  This was the push I needed to put my thoughts into action.  I spent the rest of the holiday trying to think through the logistics of how I was going to start my Reiki share, could I get another couple of people and where I would hold it.

When I got home I asked my friend Gill if she was interested in joining.  She immediately agreed AND offered her treatment room.  She also had a friend who may be interested in joining, plus the lady who made the original request asked if she could bring someone with her.  All my problems solved in one go – how fantastic was that?  The only thing left to do was arrange a date that suited all.  Again, no problem – everyone was keen and we easily agreed a date.

We met last Friday and, after a rather anxious day of wondering what these ladies would be like and would we all “click”, I am very happy to report that we had the most marvellous Reiki Share that I’ve ever been to.  The energy was strong and flowing well and we all worked like we had been together for years.  As a group we have so much potential and I can’t wait till we meet again.

My guides had come up trumps for me once again.  The organisation all fell into place nicely and they directed two of the nicest ladies in my direction.  Not forgetting, of course, my lovely Gill who is always there for me.

So if you need some help, ask your guides.  They always listen and are always ready and willing to help - if, of course, it’s in your best interests!