Thursday 28 June 2012

Indigo Children

About a week ago I was asked if I had heard of Indigo Children.  Well yes I had, but I didn’t know too much about them so I did a bit of research and was then able to give a more informative reply to my enquirer.

A few days after that a question cropped up concerning a child who was clearly seeing spirit and appeared to be quite intuitive.  The first thought that crossed my mind was “is this an Indigo Child?” and I joined the debate along those lines.

Earlier this week I was contacted by a lady offering to come and give a talk about – yes, you’ve got it – Indigo Children.

Now some may say “coincidence”, but I gave up on coincidences some time ago.  There is no doubt in my mind that I am being guided and that the right people at the right time are being sent to us.  I continue to be amazed, and so extremely grateful, for the help that we are getting with our Como Centre for Enlightenment and I can now say quite confidently that I trust that all will be as it should be with our venture.

So now I’m busy organising this talk and I am loving every minute of what I’m doing.

Sunday 24 June 2012

It's Been a Long Week

It’s exactly one week since my Dad had a stroke and it’s been a week of highs and lows.  There have been several times when we thought “this is it”, but he’s hanging on in there and yesterday was the best I’ve seen him all week.  We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Obviously I’ve been giving and sending him Reiki on a daily basis, and what is really amazing me is that I continue to step out of the way and allow the guides to work.  I had anticipated that I would not be able to do that because I was too emotionally involved.  I thought that I would want to ask for a specific outcome, but no, I am sending the Reiki for his highest possible good.  Quite amazing.

I’m also surprised that I am a lot calmer than I thought I would be and I think my step-family are surprised by my reactions.  Yes, of course I’m upset about what’s happened to my Dad, but I can’t be so demanding of a medical team who don’t have all the answers and can’t comment on his long-term recovery.  I can’t make plans for 6-weeks ahead because I just don’t know what will happen.

I am learning to live in the now, and I am happy to do so.  I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, I hope it will be good but worrying today will not change tomorrow.  I will do my bit by setting good intentions and sending Reiki.

It’s funny you know, although I’ve always known about the bigger picture, I think I am now beginning to realise that it is so.  Dad’s stroke, while horrendous for him and us in this lifetime, is but a fraction of the lifetimes to come.  It’s like I am getting little glimpses of the whole and then I snap back into now – does that make sense?  It’s quite difficult to explain but I’m sure you’ll know what I’m talking about.

So – my Dad’s had a stroke and it’s pretty horrible for all of us.  But we’re not the only family going through this, there is a whole building, at just that one hospital, of families who are coping the best way they can.  I hope that at some point I might be of use to some of the patients and families, but we will see.

I hope I am learning many lessons through this experience, I certainly feel they are there for me.

Monday 18 June 2012

After the High ...

After floating around on a bit of a high all day Saturday after the launch of Como, I came crashing back down on Sunday.

Two things happened – the first was I developed a cold.  I’m sure I had probably been incubating it for a few days, but once everything had returned to normal my body allowed it to break free!  Not too bad in the grand scheme of things and plenty of self-Reiki will ensure a speedy recovery.

The second thing that happened, and more devastating for me, was that my father had a stroke!  He is 87-years old and lives alone but amazingly he happened to be with a neighbour when it happened.  He was obviously taken straight to hospital and I rushed to be there, but it’s a two and a half hour drive away and it seemed to take forever.  When I got to the hospital he was conscious but had lost his speech and was paralysed down the right side of his body.

I felt totally useless and out of control, all I could do was pump tons of Reiki into him and boy, was he drawing it.

It’s early days to think about the long-term prognosis but, for him, this is the worst possible thing that could happen and I am not sure how he will cope.  He’s a very independent, proud man and the limits his age places on his body already frustrates him.

At this point in time I’m not sure of my own feelings.  Part of me wants him to pass over to a better life but I don’t want to lose my Dad.

The one thing that is helping so much is the knowledge that there is better to come for him.  I am trying hard to live in the now – worrying will not change a thing, but it’s hard.

We all have to lose people we love, and I’m certainly not looking for the sympathy vote here, but I just want to share how much Reiki and my spiritual knowledge is helping me at the moment.  I’m concerned that others might think I’m heartless and callous but, really, I only want the best for my Dad.

But it’s his journey to make and, although I will be with him as much as I possibly can, this is one journey that I can’t make with him.

Saturday 16 June 2012

The Launch

Gill, Dominic & Me at the Launch of  Como

Well it happened and boy did it happen!

It feels like I have spent the last week on a rollercoaster and now that I am off, I have that giddy adrenaline rush and the feeling of “wow, I want to do it again”.

As most of you know, last week I was whittling about the number of tickets we had sold and whether our guest speaker, Dominic James, would feel a bit let down by the low numbers.  After all, he was a Reiki Master and published author and probably used to speaking to larger audiences.  I suppose in a way I felt a little in awe that we had managed to get a “famous” person – after all he had made TV and radio appearances!

As the week went by, ticket sales slowly crept up and by mid-week we had reached 30.  Well, I thought, that’s pretty good although it didn’t quite reach my expectation, although I hadn’t a clue what my expectation really was!  I felt it only fair to let Dominic know how many people he should expect in the audience.  In a way I was trying to manage his expectations a little, although heaven knows I hadn’t managed my own.

Friday came, and I had one last session of pleading and begging with my guides to make it the perfect evening for us, and oh boy did they come through with the goods.  Even the rain stopped yesterday and we had brief spells of sunshine.

We totalled just over 40 people in the hall last night, and the energy was amazing.  Dominic was just adorable and more nervous, I think, than I was.  But the evening just flowed, Dominic told us of his life, his writing and his Reiki journey, he answered endless questions and stayed until the very end talking to everyone who approached him. 

So we launched the Como Centre for Enlightenment in grand style and, most appropriately, during Reiki Awareness Week.  Our audience was fantastic, they interacted well, asked questions and made suggestions.  Gill and I now have lots of work to do to ensure that Como meets the needs of all.  We already have two events in the diary – a “Fun with Crystals” workshop at the end of September and a “Holistic and Spiritual Fair” at the beginning of December.

I think my main lessons from this have to be, once again, trust and also learning to manage my expectations.  I know this is the right thing for me to do, and I’m sure we can make it successful, but sometimes I do tend to let everyday life and thoughts overshadow what I know deep down to be right.

But then, I am a work-in-progress!

Friday 8 June 2012

One Week To Go

This time next week and we will be in the throes of launching our Como Centre for Enlightenment

I am both very excited and very nervous – is that normal?  Yes, I expect it is.

I am excited about launching our Centre and all the wonderful things we can do and the journeys that we will be undertaking.  I’m excited about meeting our guest speaker, Dominic James, and hearing of his journey into Reiki and how he became an author.  I am so looking forward to all the new people that we will be meeting.

I am nervous about this huge leap into the unknown, although I don’t doubt for one minute that this is the right direction to move in.  I am nervous that the evening will be a disaster as, to date, we have not been overwhelmed with ticket sales.  I am nervous that Dominic might think it’s all been a waste of his time if he doesn’t walk into a packed hall.

We have sold some tickets, and we still have a week to go, but just not in the numbers that I expected.  But perhaps that’s my problem – I haven’t managed my expectations very well at all.  A good friend of mine suggested that maybe I ought to consider cancelling the event!  No way – not an option!!  I wouldn’t even discuss it with her.

My partner, Gill, and I have advertised everywhere we can think of, both on-line and locally.  We’ve created a simple website and a Facebook page.  We have no money to put into this venture so are totally reliant on goodwill and free advertising.  People have been very kind and have taken, and displayed, our posters.  We have contacted local radio and hope we get a mention.  Plus, of course, I have been asking “my people” for help – I’m sure they’ll be glad when Friday is over and I quieten down a bit!

There is nothing more we can do.  I’m trying not to worry, it’s one of my daily affirmations.  Worrying will not help one little bit and I have to accept that what will be will be.  We have one week to go, I have trust and “my people” will ensure that this event is as perfect as it should be.

It’s going to be quite a week!

Monday 4 June 2012

Quick Update

My son is home!!  

Measles avoided and his Romanian friend is much better.

I am so grateful for Reiki and my "people".

Friday 1 June 2012


“Have I had measles?” my son asked in an e-mail earlier this week.

“No”, I replied, “why do you ask?”

“My housemate’s got it, is it catching?”

“Yes, it is – keep away from him.  Although you was immunised when you was a baby, but you still need to be careful”.

I haven’t heard from him since!

Why is she waffling on about measles, you may be wondering.  Well my son is currently in Romania and due to fly home on Monday.  I haven’t seen him since last September when he took off for Brazil, via Spain.  I am so excited about seeing him that I don’t want anything to go wrong.

The night of his e-mail I sent Reiki – oodles of it!  I asked Archangel Raphael for help to protect him and ensure a safe journey home.  Then, for some strange reason (although not that strange really) I had a strong urge to place him in a blue bubble.  As I put him in the bubble, and zipped it up, I saw lots of blue swirling around, which then turned green.  Before I finished I made Reiki available to his housemate, although I don’t know his name so just had to send it to the man with measles in Romania – hope it worked.  I expect by now all men suffering with measles in Romania are starting to feel better!

The next morning I sent my son an e-mail telling him what I had done, and urged him to visualise himself in the blue bubble, and to ask Archangel Raphael for help too.  I don’t know whether he will do it, he may just think I’ve gone a step too far, but he does take Reiki from me when he feels the need.

It’s funny you know, but since I’ve been doing Reiki, and using the five precepts as my daily affirmations, I worry a lot less than I used to.  If this had happened before Reiki I would have been tempted to get on the next flight to Romania and check him for myself, even though he’s an adult and more than capable of looking after himself.  But I’ve sent Reiki and I trust that all will be as it should be.

All I can do now is wait for Monday.  I’m sure I would have heard if he had succumbed to the virus – wouldn’t I?