Friday 3 February 2012

366 Reasons to be Grateful

At the beginning of January I was inspired by a friend to keep a Gratitude Diary.  In Reiki and spiritual development we are encouraged to be grateful for our many blessings in life and, indeed, there are many things in this life that I am extremely grateful for.  But could I find something for 366 days?

The answer to that is – I don’t know.  I have started well, but then we are only at Day 16. 

Every day I wake up I wonder what my blessing today will be.  Sometimes it is so obvious that it smacks me right in the face.  Other days I drift into the evening and nothing is forthcoming.  These non-forthcoming days are usually the ones I spend at home, where I have little interaction with the outside world and few opportunities for the spur-of-the-moment happenings.

It’s those days where I start reflecting and thinking a little deeper about all sorts of things.  As I sit here now, gazing out of the window and waiting for a bit of inspiration, I’m seeing the garden full of shrubs, trees and wildlife, but how often do I appreciate the beauty of it all?  As I read a book, how often do I think about the complexities of the eyes and the ability to read the written word?  As I listen to the conversation around me, how often do I really hear what’s being said?  How often do I sit and lose myself in music rather than have it playing in the background?

There is much in life to be grateful for if only we stopped and thought about it. 

So my “blessings” will be many over the coming year.  They may be simple, and some may think they’re not a blessing at all, but finding a dress for £3 in the Marks and Spencer sale really gave me pleasure!  Others will be bigger blessings and more thought provoking.

I am posting my daily “blessing” on Facebook and Twitter so if you want to see just what I find to be grateful for, please come and follow me there – just look for Reiki in Wantage.  Leave a comment too if you can identify with any of my posts.

So, 350 reasons to be grateful still to find.  Will I make it?  You’ll have to “Like” or “Follow” to find out.

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