Friday 3 February 2012

In the Beginning ...

In these blogs I want to share with you my spiritual development as well as my journey with Reiki, and where better to start than at the beginning.

About 30-odd years ago my best friend, June, and I were a little bored and in need of something interesting to do.  We’d tried the run-of-the-mill things that people usually do, such as badminton, horse riding, etc, but none of these lasted too long and we wanted something a little, well, different.  So one Sunday evening we decided to give the Spiritualist Church a go and so took ourselves off to the one in St Ives (Cambridgeshire).  Now at this stage neither one of us had any proof of an afterlife, we thought it was all a little bit spooky, but we did have open minds.  We agreed that we wouldn’t tell anyone anything about ourselves and just see what happened.  That first evening was very pleasant and we were made to feel welcome.  There was a guest medium who gave out messages that people seemed to understand, but she had nothing for us.  We had a cup of tea and then said our goodbyes and left.  I think we both felt a little deflated after that first evening; we talked about what to do next and finally agreed that we would go back until one of us got a message which, we naively thought, would prove an afterlife and that would be that.

June got the message first which, at the time, meant nothing to either of us.  She went home and phoned her Mum who confirmed everything the medium had said.  June had her proof and felt that that was it.  But it wasn’t my proof and she agreed to keep going to the church until I had a message.  It took a few more weeks for me but when I got my message I was completely blown away – it was so accurate.  I won’t go into details of that message now but it was a very emotional time for me and both June and I left in tears (of joy I might add).

We discussed the church, and spiritualism, at length and both of us agreed that we just could not walk away.  We went every week and became more and more involved.  It quickly became apparent that there was more to this than meets the eye and that the odd message from a medium was really just the tip of the iceberg.  And so our spiritual journeys began or, I should say, continued.

I am so thankful that June and I got bored one night!

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