Friday 3 February 2012

Angels? .... yeah, right!

I’ve been very spiritual for around 30-odd years now, and have a lot of beliefs that many find spooky and, well, a bit potty.  That’s ok.  As long as we keep an open mind, then acceptance will come when we are ready for it.  I like to think of myself as Mrs Average, normal, level-headed and two-feet-on-the-ground kind of person, so I will admit that I do tend to step back from the more “airy-fairy” beliefs.  I tend to draw the line at what I would call “fanciful” things – like Angels!

Now that I am working with Reiki I have been reading everything I can on healing energies – think I’ve just about exhausted Wantage Library!  Wednesday afternoon I picked up Healed by an Angel by Jacky Newcomb.  A lovely book that tells individual stories of healing and spiritual experiences.  At the start of the book the author tells how we all have spirit guides and helpers, and angels.  Well spirit guides and helpers I fully accept and I know I have my fair share of these.  But angels – hmmmmm.  The author goes on to say that you can communicate with your angel, find out their name and sometimes they leave little gifts, especially small white feathers.

OK – nothing ventured, nothing gained so I sat down and concentrated and pictured an angel.  It was the normal type of angel that you find on top of the Christmas Tree because that’s what my idea of an angel is.  I felt someone draw in close but that’s not unusual for me, so I asked for a name.  “Peachy” came straight into my head, I questioned that and got straight back “Yup, just Peachy”.  I was overwhelmed by the greatest feeling of love, which again is not unusual for me.  The song playing on the radio at that time was John Lennon’s “Woman” with the lyrics “I love you” repeated two or three times.

All very lovely but am I now getting a bit angelic? – mmmmmmmmmmmm.  But, I wasn’t ruling it out and all day Thursday I had quiet little words with Peachy.  I went up to bed that night and, as usual, the first stop was the bathroom.  There on the floor was a little white feather!!!!

The lyrics to Abba’s “I Have a Dream” are now running through my head:
I believe in Angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in Angels
When I know the time is right for me

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