Friday 3 February 2012

The Children

During the week I was very fortunate to be able to give Reiki to my friend Gill Moss, an Holistic Therapist and a fellow Reiki Practitioner.  Our conversation turned to my patience, or rather lack of it, and I told her that all I wanted to do was to give and teach Reiki, but it all seemed to be happening  so slowly.  She countered that with “well if you want to give Reiki, why not come along to my children’s clinic on Saturday morning?”

One of therapies that Gill does is the Bowen Technique and once a month she holds a clinic for children with special needs.  This clinic receives no funding, just relies on donations and the fund-raising events that Gill and her team organise.

So off I went on Saturday morning not knowing what to expect.  Gill and the other therapist were working with two children, two ladies were dealing with the Admin, parents were waiting with their children and one little girl was having a wonderful time constantly running up and down the hall.  Gill asked me to try giving some Reiki to the little girl to get her to calm down enough to receive the Bowen’s therapy.  A tall order, considering she had not stopped since I had been in the hall.  But I sat down and just let the Reiki flow into the room hoping that she would take a little.  After a while she slowed down, came over to the couch and let her Mum lift her onto it.  A couple of seconds later she flung herself into my arms and I was completely lost.  She didn’t stay, but she had made her point.  She got me hook, line and sinker!  She did eventually calm down enough to get her Bowen’s treatment and some more Reiki.

I spent the rest of the morning giving Reiki to the children as and where I felt pulled.  The children were delightful, each different and with different needs.  But I made the Reiki available to them and I never felt any of them blocking it.  They all got their Bowen’s treatments and went on their way.  I really feel that their parents could benefit greatly from Reiki too, but I think that’s maybe for another time.

The work that Gill and her team do is fantastic.  Although the children are receiving their conventional medical care, the holistic therapies are really enhancing their care and the parents are receiving much needed support in a non-medical, relaxed and fun setting.  In December the children will receive their treatments during a Christmas Party – what fun!

So I had a really enjoyable morning and all I had to do was give a few hours of my time and make the Reiki available.  Simples!!

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