Friday 3 February 2012

Patience - or my lack of it!

Time for an update and time, I think, to share some deeper stuff with you.  Up until now I have just been writing about experiences I have had, but there’s so much more to share with you.  I’ll still tell you about my experiences, but in between I would like to share with you the things that I am learning on my journey.

One of the big problems I’ve always had is patience, or my lack of it.  I want everything yesterday.  If I want to do something I don’t want to wait until I can start or finish it. I want to start and master it in the shortest possible time. 

I’m exactly the same with Reiki – I want to get to Master Teacher in a couple of weeks!  Never going to happen.  My Reiki Master is fantastic and she does her best to reign me in, my guides are even better – they just will not let me progress until I am ready.  Now I know there are lots of internet sites out there that promise Reiki Master/Teacher attunements in just one weekend but I must admit that just doesn’t sit right with me so I will not go that route.  I’m not saying this approach is wrong, it is just not right for me.  So, here I am learning my first lesson - follow gut instincts even if it means you have to wait a while!!

I know what my goal is – I want to be able to give and teach Reiki to as many people as possible and I want to be able to do it next week.  I beg, plead, rant and rave but to no avail.  Not that my motives are bad, they’re not, but I’m just not ready yet.  I will only progress when I am ready.

This is hard for me because of my natural urge to steam ahead and get on with it.  It’s my second big lesson and I’m having a hard time learning it.  But I am beginning to listen.

Reiki, like a lot of things in life, is not something to rush at.  Learning, like Reiki, does not have an end, we do it constantly whether we are aware of it or not.  Life is like on big classroom – every day something new comes into our lives.  It comes in many forms, something we read, something we watch on TV, something someone tells us.  We need to slow down, look, listen and learn.  If we go full steam ahead, we miss the journey.  We will never learn if we are blinkered and can only see the ultimate goal.  Yes, we can aspire to our goals and we will reach them, but in the fullness of time, when we are fully ready.

I know that if I became a Reiki Master Teacher tomorrow I would be the very best Master Teacher that I knew how to be.  However, if I wait a while, learn a lot more, I can be even better!  If I am to teach others, then they deserve the best they can get.

But don’t give up on your dreams just because you can’t do it immediately – think how much better it will be when you do eventually realise them.  You will have more experience, more knowledge, more confidence and will be in a far better position to meet the challenges that your goal will bring.  Above all, enjoy the journey – it has much to teach you.

Mmmmm, that all seems a bit deep, doesn’t it, but well worth mulling over. 

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