Friday 3 February 2012

More about Angels

I met Jane in November and we got chatting about this and that.  She told me that she had been having problems with a “presence” in her house and it was affecting her children.  Her young son, James, was having real problems sleeping and had started refusing to go to bed at night because of these people in his room.  Jane resorted to letting her younger child, Jessica, sleep in the same room to give James a little comfort, but it was far from ideal.  Jessica started to refer to the people as James’ friends and it became apparent that she could sense them too but didn’t seem quite so bothered by them as James.  Jane’s husband was totally freaked out by the whole thing and wouldn’t even discuss it.

When we met, Jane was at the end of her tether and didn’t know what to do to make these “people” leave.  She, too, could feel their presence and had asked them to leave but to no effect.  I explained that, in my experience, these people lingered close to property and earthly things because they couldn’t accept that they were dead and they didn’t know how to leave or what to do next.  It usually took someone who knew what they were doing to coax the “people” to leave and to guide them onwards.  As it happened, Jane knew someone who was a medium and so I suggested she ask her to visit the house and see if she could help in any way.

It was about this time that my introduction to the Archangels began.  It seemed everywhere I went, signs from the Angels were leaping out at me.  Now I wasn’t sure about these Angels but I did a little research on the internet and discovered that there were many of them and they all have their own specific work to do.  Archangel Michael protects and cuts the ties of things that we no longer need; Archangel Raphael is the healer and Archangel Gabriel is the teacher and messenger.  There are many more angels who all have their own jobs to do, but they can only help us if we ask them to as they cannot impose on our own free will.  Hummmm!

I began to think more about these angels and I will admit to asking Archangel Raphael to help with a couple of my own health issues, all with good outcomes.  I started to wonder if Archangel Michael might be able to help with Jane’s problem and help to lead James’ “friends” to where they needed to be.  But then I thought that if I mentioned it to her she would think I’d lost the plot and we would not speak again.  But this kept nagging at me, I wanted to help this family and the little boy that was being troubled and afraid to go to sleep in case these “people” took him away.

I next saw Jane and the children just before Christmas.  Nothing had changed and she didn’t feel she could ask her Medium friend for help.  I also met her husband at this time and he admitted that he was totally freaked out by the whole thing.  Although he couldn’t feel anything, he wasn’t at all happy with the effect it was having on his family.  Archangel Michael popped into my mind and I found myself blurting it out to Jane – this was a bit bizarre as I hadn’t decided at that point to say anything.  I explained to Jane what Michael could do and told her to ask him to help in cutting the earthly ties of these “people” so that they could go on their way and take the next step in their journey.  We agreed she had nothing to lose so yes, she said she would give it a try.

Jane and I met yesterday and her first words were “your Archangel Michael worked”.  It seems their “people” have left the house and the family have no more problems.  James is sleeping much better and he also asks Michael for protection. 

I am overjoyed that it worked for them as a family and little James is no longer troubled.  Of course I am also very pleased to have proof that Archangel Michael is a) out there somewhere and b) answers our requests.  Yes, I know I shouldn’t need proof but sometimes we all have a few little wobbles.  I must just add here that Archangel Michael is not mine – he is here for everyone, but you do have to ask him for help.

Jane also told me yesterday that she is now so keen to explore and discover all things spiritual that she has joined a meditation group and, at her first session, had such an amazing experience.

So if you need protection, healing and guidance – all you need to do is ask!

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