Friday 3 February 2012

The Reiki Man - A Review

Searching Amazon for my next lot of summer reading, I stumbled upon The Reiki Man by Dominic C James.  I bought it purely for the Reiki aspect and wasn’t disappointed at all.

Classed as a murder/suspense/mystery, it begins with the murder of a billionaire industrialist which leaves the police clueless as the only piece of evidence is a symbol.  Stella, Head of Security and ex-Special Branch, recognises the symbol and contacts her ex-boyfriend – a Reiki Master.  The ex-boyfriend, Stella and a member of Special Branch are then taken into a world where the unexplained happens, ancient powers and rituals abound and danger lurks around every corner.

The book started well and quickly had me hooked with the death of the industrialist – I needed to know how the murderer had achieved his mission.  The main characters were all fairly likeable and the interaction between them was good.  I was really pleased that Stratton, ex-boyfriend and Reiki Master, was a normal guy, likeable and well-grounded with no hint of airy-fairyness.  He had a past to contend with and lived in the real world.  He made Reiki appear perfectly normal, although the book did go into some of the more extreme phenomena that probably only the really open minded would accept.  As well as a spate of murders, nice things happened and, of course, there is the love interest.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will definitely buy Dominic’s next novel.  It’s really good to see Reiki used in fiction and, hopefully, this will catch the interest of many readers and make them want to discover more about this wonderful therapy.

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