Friday 3 February 2012

New Year Resolutions

With only a couple of days to go before we hit 2012 my thoughts, as usual, turn to New Year Resolutions.  Every year I make a few and every year I break them within the first few weeks.

I tend to go for the usual ones, dieting, cutting down on alcohol, being a better person, not judging others, not getting angry, being a better friend, etc, etc.  Such a major task it’s no wonder I was doomed to failure.

But this year has all been about change for me, so my resolutions will change too.  Thinking about them this morning it came to me that you don’t really need to wait until 1st January to make changes.  Every day is the start of the future so changes can be made constantly.  It seems a waste of valuable time to wait until a specific day to start something new.  Why not strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.  Make that change today, do what you want to do, be who you want to be.  To me life is so short, it races by in the blink of an eyelid.  It didn’t seem that long ago that we were preparing for last Christmas and now another one has gone by.  It won’t be too long before we’re doing it all again for next year.  So in the meantime, we owe it to ourselves to have the best possible year and achieve all the things we would like to.   So my diet started today.

This year my life changed in the most dramatic and positive way.  I gave up my job and re-trained in Reiki.  I have loved everything about my year and so look forward to 2012.  As a Reiki Master I say, and try to live by, the five Usui precepts every day: 

                Just for today do not get angry
                Just for today do not worry
                Be grateful and earn your living honestly
                Be respectful to others
                Do not cause harm to any living thing

So, although I no longer  feel the need to make New Year Resolutions, there is one I will make this year and that is to replace every negative thought with two positive ones!

Good luck with your resolutions.

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