Friday 3 February 2012

Just lights in the sky or ......

It’s amazing how a blog subject presents itself when you least expect it.  Last night I saw a very bright light in the sky. It dropped rapidly behind the rooftops and I lost sight of it.  Ten minutes later it re-appeared and whizzed around the sky for at least 10-15 minutes.  My friend and I went into the garden for a better view.  I didn’t think it was an aircraft, it was completely silent and I had never seen anything like it before.  Whatever was it?

Not surprisingly I found it difficult to sleep and my thoughts started to drift towards UFOs and aliens.  Our minds are naturally programmed to find the most logical explanation for what our eyes are seeing and yet, when there is no logical explanation, some still cannot believe alternative options.

Why couldn’t those lights have been from a UFO?  Because we have never had any known encounters with aliens before? Because aliens are just the subject of Sci-Fi books and films?

Now there are lots of things that happen in life that, whilst perfectly normal to me, are deemed as complete chance or coincidence by others.   Personally I think it’s a little naïve of us to think that we are the only life force in the Universe.  Just because we have never seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  I’ve never seen the Northern Lights but I know they exist.

I have a completely open mind, anything is possible until proven to me one way or the other.  Therefore aliens could exist and they may well be highly intelligent beings. They could be of enormous help to us, they could teach us all sorts of things, we could build a mutually beneficial relationship.  But what scares me is that if aliens do exist, and they have the capability of visiting earth, would the powers that be automatically go on the attack and ruin any chances that we may have of opening a dialogue?  Would an alien race be accepted when our world has such deep problems with racism.  Would we accept aliens who do not look, and think, like we do when we are so quick to judge those who don’t conform to our way of thinking?

At the end of the day these are just my thoughts and you will have your own.  Sometimes it’s only when we have an “experience” that we start to think more deeply and question what we are seeing and feeling.  There is so much in this great Universe of ours that we don’t know about or understand, and the future could be so exciting if only we could set aside our pre-conceived ideas and fears.

But all of this doesn’t answer my question – what were those lights in the sky last night?

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