Friday 3 February 2012

Moorfields Eye Hospital

As a young girl, around 7-8 years old, I had a picture of Jesus hanging on my bedroom wall.  I don’t know why it was there, we were not a particularly religious family, and I have no idea of who put it there.
In bed one night I had a strong sensation of something “alive” within the picture and a strong sensation behind my eyes of being pulled towards it.

The next morning I had forgotten all about it and continued as normal, but that night it happened again when I had been in bed for just a little while.  I didn’t like the feeling, it scared me.  I thought the picture would actually draw me into it and I would be gone forever.  This was beginning to happen on a regular basis and eventually I was reluctant to go to bed and making all the excuses under the sun to delay it.  Naturally my parents became worried and so I finally had to tell them about the picture.

At first they just dismissed it as a bad dream and tried their best to reassure me that I could not be taken away by a picture!  I wasn’t sure that I really believed them at the time, as the sensations continued.  Eventually I was carted off to the doctor and made to tell him about the feelings.  He’d never heard of any such condition and promptly sent me to Moorfields Eye Hospital.

My poor Mum, she must have been so worried that I had some incurable rare eye condition.  Either that or I was losing the plot.  At the hospital I had loads of tests, I had to look at lots of images, had drops in my eyes and had lights shone into them.  This went on for quite a number of weeks and at the time it didn’t bother me too much because I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me – it was the picture.  One time my Mum was given drops to put into my eyes just prior to an appointment, only she mis-read the instructions and administed the drops for a week!  For a whole week I couldn’t see a thing, just blurry images – I think I might have been worried just a little bit then.

Eventually I was given the all-clear – they could find nothing wrong with me.

It was around the time of the hospital appointments that the feelings stopped.  I told Mum it had gone away, bless her, she was so relieved.  She probably thought it was all psychosomatic!!

I never had those feelings again – until I started to sit in a Circle!

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