Friday 17 October 2014

Grabbing Opportunities

It's been ages since my last blog but, in my own defence, I have been out of the country for a few weeks!

Last week we spent some time in Fort Lauderdale and enjoyed every minute of it. One morning I passed by the Concierge Desk at our hotel and was immediately drawn to a poster advertising a Full Moon Party, complete with Tarot Readings!  Now this piqued my interest on two levels - 1) I remember my son telling me of the wonderful Full Moon Parties he'd been to in Thailand, and 2) Tarot Readings will always draw me.

Naturally I talked to Lisa (the Concierge) and we discovered that we shared much in spiritual terms. By the end of our chat Lisa had invited me along to the party as a Tarot Reader!!!!!  Really??  Oh I had given readings before, but never on such a professional basis - could I really do this?

But every morning I thank the Universe for my abundance and affirm that I am open to any new positive opportunities that day.  This was an opportunity if ever I had one so it really would be stupid of me to ask for them only to turn them down when they appear.  Obviously my Guides thought I could do it otherwise I would not have been given the opportunity.

So I said yes.

I thanked my Guides but told them that I needed a deck of Rider Waite Tarot cards so, if they wanted me to do it, could they sort it for me please.  We set off for the local book store and made our way up to the section where they should be.  There they were - just one deck standing face forward on the top shelf - I could not have missed them if I tried!

The party was held around the pool, with the full moon glinting off the ocean - it was all very beautiful.  Around 200 people were there and I worked from 7-11pm. The more I did, the more it flowed; I loved every minute of it and met some wonderful people.

I asked for donations which I wanted to give to Breast Cancer Charity.  I made $120 that night, so I gave half to Lisa for Breast Cancer in the United States and brought $60 home for our own Como Breast Cancer Support Group.

So a huge thank you to my Guides and the Universe for giving me this opportunity and getting everything in the right place at the right time; and also for continually nudging me in the right direction to get me where I need to be.

Sunday 24 August 2014

How Spirit Work

I just want to share this story with you, which is a classic example of the way Spirit work and why sometimes we have to be patient.

A few months ago a lady contacted me asking if I would take her through her Reiki Level II training. She lived in Panama and had found the Centre on Google!  Wow, long way to come to do Reiki training but, yes, of course I would accept her for training.

Training day came, we met and she was lovely.  But I have to say that I trust Spirit to bring only lovely people to our Centre and they haven't let me down yet.

At the end of the day we were just chatting.  She was a medic.  How refreshing, a medic embracing Reiki! The subject somehow turned to breast cancer and I told her my own story.

She looked at me and just smiled.

She felt I had a wonderful opportunity to do some fabulous work with women going through breast cancer and that she felt sure I would gain the support of the medical profession.  Really?  It was something that had crossed my mind but I had never done anything about it. We talked for a long time.

Spirit had done it again!  They needed to get this lady, a trained doctor, all the way from Panama and into the Centre. They needed to get breast cancer into the conversation and they needed to plant the seed. They needed to get me to listen and they even needed to give me a bit of a nudge! Not a simple task, but they did it.

In October we launch our Como Breast Cancer Support Group.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Sharing Spirit Writings

I think it's time to start sharing some of the writings given to me by my Guides well over 30-years ago. Stupidly, I didn't date them so I have no idea what order they were given in.

At the time I shared them with members of my local Spiritualist Church, but having found them a few weeks ago buried in a box in the loft, I really think it's time to share them more widely.

The first one I'm sharing is a poem which helps with some questions I had at that time. I wrote this myself, but am clearly inspired by Spirit as I cannot write poetry. It seems just as appropriate now as it did then, maybe even more so.

Do not judge others too harshly
My Guide said to me last week
Give them your love and compassion
You know nothing of their tasks to meet

We should give them care and understanding
And try to help them through this life
Send out our prayers to all of them
That their next lesson is free from strife.

We should give them our admiration
They’ve chosen this pathway to take
And while many paths are much simpler
Their’s a much harder choice to make

Yet it's hard to give love and compassion

When a man causes a child to cry
And it’s hard to give care and understanding
When a man causes a child to die

It's impossible to give admiration
To men who commits these crimes
What pleasure do they gain from it?
I ask, so many times.

So I'm trying to be very spiritual
But I live in a material world
And while part of me does understand
I still can’t help being repelled.

So I will continue to battle
With two different parts of me
To bring my material and spiritual 
Into much greater harmony.

I'll pray for all of the children
Who suffer at somebody’s hands
That when it's their time to pass over
They will finally understand

God Bless You.

Tuesday 8 July 2014


I can't believe I've been so stupid!

The penny finally dropped after spending and afternoon with Abraham Hicks on YouTube. For those who've never heard of Abraham, he's a spirit guide channelled by Esther Hicks.  Esther, her late husband Jerry, and Abraham focus on the Law of Attraction, Cosmic Ordering, Manifesting, whatever you want to call it, and have written many books and given many seminars on the subject.  Esther now tours the USA inviting attendees to talk to and ask Abraham questions.

So it was while watching one of these Q&A sessions that I realised that what I was actually doing was focussing far too much on lack and not on what I really wanted over something recently. I had used up so much energy thinking about what I didn't want and what I could do to change it, that the vibrations I was sending out were all wrong for the desired outcome. Our good old Universe was picking up these vibrations and thinking to itself 'ok, this is what she's thinking about most of the time, this must be what she wants, let's send her more of it'.

And here's where I've been so dense - I know that!  I spend my time telling people that very same thing, think of the positive rather than the negative.  So why did it take watching the YouTube video to remind me?

I've no idea, but maybe our way of thinking is so ingrained and we tend to think far more of what we don't want rather than what we do want. Sometimes we carry these feelings of not being worthy of having the things we want, of being greedy and selfish for asking for those things, that there are more deserving people than us - oh there's a whole host of reasons why we think the way we do. But if we're to be successful and attract the things we really want in life, we have to change our thought process.

So the next time you find yourself thinking that you don't want this or that in your life, just stop and think about what you do want instead.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Writings from Spirit

For a long while we've been planning to clear out our loft.  Over 20-years of living in this house we have accumulated a lot of stuff, much of which has been relegated to the loft.  So last weekend we made a start! It's going to be a long process but bit by bit all unwanted items are either being sold, donated to charity or taken to the tip.

Yesterday I had an amazing find and I am so happy.  I found a book of writings given to me by spirit over 30-years ago!  I thought I had lost them when we moved, but they had been buried in a box for all these years.

As I've already told you, my spiritual journey began over 30 years ago in my local Spiritualist Church.  After a few years my really close friend and I became Chair and Secretary respectively and part of our duties were to take the service each week.  Although we had a weekly medium we still had to run the service and deliver an address.  When it was my turn I would ask Spirit for help and just write down what they had to say.  It all seemed so simple then, but I know now that this was probably a form of automatic writing.

Reading through them all today, I am amazed that the messages from Spirit are just as relevant today as they were all those years ago - have we not learnt anything?  The main focus is on love, tolerance, patience and basically finding the time in our busy lives to connect with our Spirit Guides.

I need to share these writings but I'm not sure how best to do this yet. It will come.  The important thing is that I was guided to to find them so the time must be right.  I must really take on board their messages and not leave it another 30-years or so.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Buddhist Boot Camp

Today I was reminded that I have neglected my blog over the past few weeks and it's about time I remedied that.  So I want to share with you a book that I've just finished reading that has really given me much to think about.

Buddhist Boot Camp! Don't let the title mislead you - it's not about converting to Buddhism and there's certainly no dictating of what you should and shouldn't do.

I first become aware of Buddhist Boot Camp when I read some inspiring quotes on Facebook, so I "liked" the page. Then the articles posted started to resonate with me and I bought the book.

Written by Timber Hawkeye (what a lovely name), I found the book totally inspiring. It's a simple book where he shares his own experiences and points out how we can all make changes that will lead to a more peaceful and happier life. Yet the whole book seemed, to me, to be total common sense and I found myself nodding and thinking 'of course'. It's written in such a lovely style that's easy to follow and understand. Chapters are short, no more than two pages, which makes the book great to pick up and put down when you have a moment or two. It's not a long book, I read it in a day, but it's a book I shall always grateful I found and will remember and recommend.

Timber Hawkeye, you have inspired me with your Buddhist Boot Camp - Namaste.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Mindfulness Migraine

Advanced Migraine Relief 
Yesterday a migraine got me again. Just as I got into full working mode the flashing lights started. Nothing for it other than to just stop and close my eyes until my vision returned and hope that it didn't develop much beyond that. I know that I am extremely lucky as my migraine symptoms are mild compared to some sufferers. But nevertheless, I do get frustrated that I have to down tools and ride it out.

As I teach mindfulness and meditation to others I thought it was about time I started to practice what I preach, so yesterday I decided to try mindfulness. I accepted my migraine, gave it my full attention and without judgement.

As I sat back and closed my eyes, I focussed on the lights - like isobars on a weather map, different colours all shimmering and vibrating around my right side. I watched them for quite a while and then I focussed on the physical feelings in my body. Not much happening there, feeling all pretty normal - whatever normal is. As the lights started to drift further and further to the side of my peripheral vision, I thought it was all beginning to pass. But no, the next stage kicked in which, in all fairness, doesn't happen that often but I really don't like it. I seem to lose a section of my brain/mind and I cannot function normally. I think that just as parts of my vision shuts down, so does my brain. I can't think clearly and can't seem to remember the words I need to use - I often wonder if that's what having a stroke must feel like.

OK, this was a little trickier because I had nothing to focus on, just my inability to articulate both in speech and thought. But that's exactly what I did focus on, without trying to force anything and without judgement. Slowly and surely my thought processes returned to normal.

On the whole I would say mindfulness definitely helped me to cope with the migraine much better, with all it's varying stages. It's not a cure but it does help you to realise that when life throws a few punches there are tools and techniques that can help you get through them much easier and without any added stress and anxiety.

Will I use mindfulness for the next migraine? You bet I will.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

The Harshness of Life

Last week we saw a teenager kill one of his teachers in school. The nation was horrified, and quite rightly so. What on earth is our world coming to when young people can take another's life so carelessly. I thought about this tragic incident for a long while, trying to understand and make sense of it all.

On a spiritual level I get it. Before returning to this life, the boy had chosen this as his lesson to learn. Coming from the same Soul Group the teacher agreed to play her part in his lesson and chose to be the victim. Their love for one another is unending and unconditional. From the teacher's point of view her job is done, she has helped this young man and now she can go home.  The boy has to continue with his lesson and live out the rest of his life coping with the tough consequences. So what was his lesson to learn, you may ask. I have no idea and I should think at this point in time, neither does he.

Now don't get me wrong, just because I understand all that doesn't mean that I like it. I feel a deep sadness for the teacher and her family and I also feel compassion for the boy and his family - they are all going through a very tough time.

And I live in this world where acts of violence appal and anger me; the blatant disregard some folk have for others is shocking to say the least. Sometimes I want to hit out and retaliate, but that's not the answer. As Gandhi once said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

I don't have any answers, maybe there are none. Maybe this is exactly how it's meant to be until we all start to realise that humanity has to change, that we have to move as one towards love and compassion in order to survive.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in two worlds and I find it difficult to merge the harsh realities of this life with my spiritual awareness. 

Thursday 1 May 2014

The Song of the Universe

Last Sunday I had a brand new experience - Crystal Singing Bowls!

I really didn't know what to expect from our session at the Como Centre but Genevra, Crystal Singing Bowls UK, arrived and wow - what a lovely lady, she just shone from the inside out.

As she started to unpack the bowls I marvelled at the beauty of them; different colours and different sizes. She brought around 20 of them and they all looked so beautiful on our floor.

As the session started Genevra began to play, gently at first but soon the bowls were singing together, in perfect harmony and unity. The sounds and vibrations were amazing as they washed over us, each of us taking exactly what we needed at that moment in time.

For me, personally, time stood still as I allowed the tones, frequencies and vibrations wash over and through me. It was a beautiful experience and as the sounds grew I had the sense that I had heard them before. I have no idea where, but I know I have.

Today I finished reading The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan. An intriguing book and well worth a read. There's a part in the book where she talks about the sounds of the universe, very much like earth's nature sounds but more musical. A rhythm that constantly pulsates and changes.

Is that what I was hearing in the singing bowls - the song of the universe? I really like to think so.

Saturday 26 April 2014

You Only Have to Ask

Yesterday I took a friend to hospital. Although it was a minor procedure it was still under general anaesthetic and, let's face it, however minor things are none of us like to have to go through them.

So I did the only thing I knew how to do and called upon all the help I had at my disposal.

The night before I sent Reiki to the situation. Although not becoming attached to an outcome, my intent was for surgery to go well and for my friend not to be in too much discomfort - for his highest possible good.

I sent a cosmic order that he would be first on the list for theatre and that we could leave the hospital as soon as possible - for the good of all concerned.

I asked Archangel Raphael for a safe and timely journey - thank you very much.

I asked the angels for a parking space to become available when I arrived at the hospital - thank you very much.

We left home yesterday morning and the heavens opened. The journey was not good, the water and spray on the motorway severely affected visibility and, as always, there were the halfwits driving far too fast with no lights. Nevertheless, the arrived safely and on time.

I found two parking spaces, one right outside the main entrance.

My friend was first on the list, went to theatre on time and was allowed to leave just 4-hours later.  Surgery went well.

The journey home, whilst still in the rain, went smoothly.

Last night I followed up with another session of Reiki.  Today he is fine, a little sore but not in pain.

We all have so much help available to us - all we have to do is ask.  And, of course, remember to say thank you. 

Sunday 20 April 2014

The Inner Child

We're constantly told to allow our inner child to surface every now and again.  Yesterday my inner child broke free - trouble was it was the spoilt brat!

For some reason I just couldn't settle to anything and I became frustrated to say the very least. Whatever suggestions were made, I didn't want to do it. Everyone seemed to be out doing something, but I wasn't! Everyone seemed to be having fun, but I wasn't!  I was in danger of some serious sulking - what was wrong with me?

I didn't like it one little bit, I didn't like the way I was feeling or the way I was acting.  I needed to get a grip.

I needed to find something to do, something to occupy this inner child who was being a complete pain.

So in desperation I started to read random articles on the internet - and one really caught my attention.

Delores Cannon is a hypnotherapist specialising in past life regressions.  Ooh, we had something in common so I kept reading.  But that's where it ended because Delores had been working in the field for many years and had started to notice patterns emerging in her clients.  She started to notice that not all of them had past lives on earth and eventually came up with her theory of "three waves of volunteers*".

Well this really got me thinking now because, if Delores was right in her theory, then I could well be one of the first wave of volunteers!

My inner spoilt brat suddenly disappeared and I was fully immersed in theories. So much so that my Kindle downloads were on overtime last night.

Maybe the spoilt brat was supposed to break free yesterday, to make me focus on something I would not normally have had time for.

Ah, the Universe works in mysterious ways.

The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth - Delores Cannon

Friday 4 April 2014

Facing Fears

Eight years ago I had breast cancer, went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy and was finally discharged from the hospital in 2012. As any cancer survivor will tell you, we live with the fear of it striking again.

You can understand, therefore, how terrified I have been after I started to experience some discomfort over the past few weeks.

I tried to keep positive and harbour only positive thoughts, but this was becoming a struggle.  I often advise others to confront their fears head-on, as the fear then loses its power.  Life is a constant series of highs and lows and it's the way that we deal with the bad times that help shape us.  But my mind was just racing - why now when my life was really happy, when Gill and I had just started our beloved Como Centre and it was going so well.  Surely Spirit must have more work for me to do here.

I confided my fears in just a couple of people - their advice was unanimous; get it checked.  I asked my guides and angels for help - their advice was the same; get it checked.  But I was scared, so I left it.

Last night I had an horrendous night - no sleep at all and by this morning not only had the breast cancer returned, but had spread to my lymph nodes, lungs and possibly bones!  How pathetic am I?

This couldn't continue.

So this morning I decided I would face it head-on, whatever the outcome, and I got an appointment with the doctor.  He reassured me that he could find nothing and my discomfort was most likely due to scar tissue. However, he would see me again in 4-weeks time and if he thought there were any changes, or I was not happy, then he would refer me to the Breast Clinic.  But he was confident that all was well.

This evening I am extremely relieved and happy, but had the result been different I was ready to deal with it. I cannot live with fear, it eats you up and ruins all happiness.  It is there, constantly at the back of your mind, like a big dark cloud hanging over you; you are not free to be the person you truly are.

If you are facing a fear, face it head on, deal with it and reduce its power over you.  Free yourself to live the life you want and deserve.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Time to Listen

A month or so ago I had a private Tarot reading with my lovely friend, mentor and spiritual worker, Kitty Phillips. Among the many things she told me was the need to take time out for myself, relax more and just chill. Knowing me well, she went on to emphasis the point and said that if I didn't take the time needed, Spirit would force me into it around March-time.

Now it's not that I don't listen, or take advice seriously, but sometimes taking time out is easier said than done. I knew I had my first free weekend since Christmas coming up so figured I would just plod on. Why, oh why don't I just listen!

They hit me last night with a thumping great migraine just 30-minutes before I was due up at Como to run a meditation course. "Oh not now?" I pleaded, as I sat back and closed my eyes.

After half hour I felt slightly better, the visual disturbances had died down so off I went to my class. As the evening wore on my headache started and I wasn't sorry when the session came to an end.

The minute I walked back in the house the visual disturbances began again. What on earth was going on? This had never happened before. I sat and closed my eyes but it just wasn't shifting. I finally took some pain killers and went off to bed.

This morning I felt better, but not brilliant. The visual disturbances have gone, as has the thumping head. In it's place is a huge solid ball that thumps around in my head every time I move; I'm left feeling drained and and good for nothing.

Oh yes, I've listened now! I have spent the whole day doing nothing, just a little reading and watching some TV. I will have an early night in bed and tomorrow I will feel back to normal.

From now on I will make sure I take a little time for me, and do what I'm told to when Spirit tells me. Another lesson learned! 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Do You See What I See?

Last week I was sitting at the Como Centre waiting for some students to arrive and not doing very much at all - just being.  My focus kept going to the door.  Why?  There's nothing special about our door, it's just a door.
But then I saw them - can you?

Angel Wings.

I sat and focussed on them for a while, and just waited. The tingling started and then that lovely feeling of beautiful warm energy closing around me.  I just sat, and enjoyed that wonderful feeling, feeling loved, feeling supported.  Words cannot describe that amazing feeling of knowing that your guides and angels are drawing close.

They had no words for me, I wondered why they were there.

Then I remembered that two days later we would be running our Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters Workshop!  Their presence was simply their way of saying "we'll be back".

Saturday 22 February 2014

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Yes, it just keeps getting better and better - our Spiritual Development Group that is.

Gill and I had spent the afternoon in our lovely Como Centre and the energy was positively charged.  We watched two rainbows, one of which was a double and so bright, and they always bring a great sense of anticipation for me. There were orbs in our room and spirit were playing with us again.  I just knew that the circle was going to be good.

I wasn't disappointed.  As soon as we sat and linked hands, a great beam of white light from floor to ceiling opened to my left.  Guides came, our wonderful Gatekeeper came and the amazing Angels came.  The white light to my left held a guide and he stayed with me throughout answering my many questions.  People started popping in and there was a really strong US Air Force connection and Charles was back from the last Circle.

We did some rescue work and helped a lady find her missing son.  I asked the Guide why we were doing rescue work when we had asked to connect with the higher guides and ascended masters who could teach us.  His reply was that everyone starts at the bottom and works up!  If we went straight to the top it would to be totally overwhelming - we had to start slowly.  He went on to assure me that we were totally protected and no-one would be allowed in who could cause us harm - he understood my thoughts.

Slowly we started to move onwards and upwards and some fabulous guides came to teach us, their message being pretty much the same - we had the knowledge and we would be given more, but we had to share it.  Learning was pointless if we didn't share.  We were also told that individual meditation was vital and shouldn't be neglected.

There was much more but finally we were taken even higher to a point where we shared an incarnation.  We were given gifts and were thanked for working with Spirit.

Personally, I continue to feel amazed and honoured to be able to work with Spirit in this way.  I will do my utmost to strengthen the connection, to have patience and to trust them completely in order that I may follow the path that is mine to achieve.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Tarot Readings

I was stark raving bonkers at the time, but in one of those wonderful moments of feeling pretty invincible I agreed to do a whole day of Tarot readings to raise funds for charity.

"What's wrong with that?" I hear you say.  Well nothing at all if you are an experienced Tarot reader - I'm not!  Oh I had a Tarot deck, and had used them regularly, but they had been in a box hidden in the loft somewhere and I hadn't looked at them since we moved here over 20-years ago.

What was I doing? What on earth made me say yes? Had I lost the plot completely?

Well I had a lot of work to do, that much was obvious.  So I talked to my own spiritual teacher and mentor thinking she would say "what on earth are you doing?" but no, she just said "fabulous, about time you got on with it".  So I ordered a new pack of Tarot cards and got to work.

My teacher, Kitty, is amazing and spent a lot of time coaching and encouraging me until I began to feel a little more confident that I could do it.  She also volunteered to come over and join us on the day but, she added, that didn't mean I could opt out and send everyone to her!

So Saturday came and four of us spent the day giving Tarot readings in The Mix, Wantage.  We had a steady flow and by the end of the day had raised just over £100 for the Bowen4Children clinic.

It was, on my part, another leap of faith.  I had asked my guides for help and they didn't let me down.  Yes, I was out of my comfort zone but, to be honest, I enjoyed every minute of it and once I got started I found it all just flowed.

Will I do it again? You bet I will but this time it will be at the Como Centre.

Thursday 30 January 2014

A Little Cosmic Order

A couple of weeks ago I saw an article asking for people who had retrained or started a new career at the age of 60 to e-mail their story to a reporter at a national newspaper.  "Oooo, that's me" I thought and spent the next 30-minutes umming and arring about whether I should e-mail or not. It would be such fabulous publicity for the Como Centre.

Eventually I sent the e-mail, reasoning that I had been presented with an opportunity and it was down to me to grab it.  That evening I placed a cosmic order asking that I would be successful and my story would be featured.  The following day an e-mail came back saying that my story had been submitted to the Editor for consideration.  I put the whole thing out of my mind.

Monday morning and another e-mail - the Editor thought my story was fascinating and wanted to feature it.  I was asked if I could do a telephone interview the following day and whether I would be available for a photo shoot on the Friday!  Excited was an understatement.

The interview went well and last Friday I went off to the Centre to meet the photographer and a stylist - yes, I was getting a make-over too.  Well how fabulous was all this, another successful cosmic order.

The stylist brought two dresses and a pair of shoes with her!  I took the bag off to the ladies to change but - ugghh - not me at all.  I was persuaded to wear them but I felt uncomfortable in the dresses and the shoes were far too high for me.  As I tottered about I began to feel like Miss Piggy!!  Why hadn't I cosmic ordered a successful photo shoot for the good of ALL concerned?

The article should be in the newspaper soon and I have to say I am a bit apprehensive - I just hope they choose the most flattering photo.

But there's the lesson - I hurriedly put in a cosmic order but I hadn't thought it through first.  I hadn't been specific about what I wanted the outcome to be and I certainly hadn't managed my expectations.

Needless to say another order was placed that evening.

[Ellen Watts, author of the book illustrated, taught me how to successfully cosmic order. I highly recommend her book and her courses]

Thursday 16 January 2014


Last week we held our second Spiritual Development Group and while I won't bore you with all the details, I do want to share this with you.

I felt a man drawing close to me, he was in uniform and had a cap on his head. The jacket was blue and had a belt round the middle.  An American Air Force uniform.  He was young, but not in years; rather in time spent working in spirit.  A nice man, kindly and with a bit of a twinkle.  He had been sent to work with us; we would grow together.

I had the sense that we were being observed; someone was making sure that we worked together and all was well.  I saw us (our Circle) as fledgling birds, flapping tiny little wings and preparing to fly.  Then I was shown an eagle, soaring in the clear blue sky.  I knew we would eventually be like the eagle, but we had a lot of work to do first - we couldn't run before we could walk.

I was also being told that we had to trust and let ourselves go completely; we would be guided on that over the coming months.

Another in our circle also connected with the American and had quite a chat with him.  He was a major in the US Air Force, his name was Charles and he came from Chicago.  He passed as an older man back home.  He was indeed here to help us; he would also learn from us as he was new to this kind of work.

After we closed the circle and sat chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that our Centre is on the site of the old Second World War US Military Base!

Was Charles based here?  Is it easier to connect with him because we are located on the same site?  Were we guided to our lovely Centre because it is on the Base?  So many questions for Charles at our next meeting.

Is this a case of classic synchronicity I wonder?

Tuesday 7 January 2014


The other day I read an article about Reiki* which gave fresh insight into how we use the symbols.  For those of you who do not practice, I should explain that when we are attuned to Reiki Level II and above we are given symbols which enhance the Reiki we give.

The article said that the first symbol, CKR, is associated with grounding and connecting to earth energies. It went on to suggest that Reiki practitioners should initially work with this symbol alone to establish a strong connection to the earth energies, to feel these energies within the body thus establishing good grounding practises.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I use all the symbols daily to affirm and connect with the Reiki energy.  But this article actually made me stop and think - should I go back to basics and just concentrate and work with one symbol at a time?

So this morning I worked with just the first Reiki symbol, CKR, with an interesting result.

I always ask four of the Archangels to protect and guide me throughout the day and night.  I did exactly that this morning but what amused me was that, in addition to feeling the Archangels drawing close, I saw a large glass dome coming down over my head and completely encasing my body - a bit like the domes that are placed over cakes to keep them fresh!  Woo, that was new!  I could see out of the dome, could hear and could move freely but my feet were firmly connected to the ground.

Working with just this one symbol had definitely grounded and connected me to the earth energies.  More work is needed before I move on to the next symbol but really looking forward to working in this way.

*References: Breaking the Reiki Code by Frans and Bronwen Stiene (2004). Facebook: International House of Reiki.